Posted: September 13th, 2017



1- Assessment brief file I had explained in it what I want.
2- Environmental Appraisal file will help you when you write Task1.
3- Marketing Plan file will help you when you write Task2 &Task3.

At first Please write the task1 after that write in task2 a summary about tow new products “you can keep the product as wallet but add something new or change the

product from wallets to any other product for example Belts or bags or anything else, and for each products identify new target market appropriate to the company Big

Skinny in the U.K. market”

Assessment Brief/ Task (6000wards)
The detailed requirements for this task are as follows:
You have been appointed as a Marketing Consultant. In this role you are required to prepare a three-year marketing plan for Big Skinny in the UK market
Task1. You are required to produce a summary of an environmental appraisal analysis for the company Big Skinny in the U.K. market.  – LO1 (20% weighting).
Task2. Identify two new target markets appropriate to the company Big Skinny in the U.K. market. This must include full justification of the target markets, customer

profiling and positioning – LO2 (35% weighting).
Task3. Develop differentiated marketing mixes for each target market identified in part 2 (above). This must include marketing objectives and control sections for each

mix. All recommendations must be fully justified – LO2, LO3 (45% weighting)

Assessment Criteria
The module Learning Outcomes tested by this assessment task are indicated on page 1. The precise criteria against which your work will be marked is as follows:
• Summary of environmental appraisal analysis – LO1 (20% weighting)
• Identification of two target markets appropriate to This must include full justification of the target markets, customer profiling and positioning – LO2 (35%

• Development of differentiated marketing mixes for each target market identified in part 2 (above). This must include marketing objectives and control sections for

each mix. All recommendations must be fully justified – LO2, LO3 (45% weighting)

Marketing Plan
1.    Background
?    Brief overview of analysis identifying key SWOT factors
2.    Assumptions
?    When developing a plan from case study material it may be necessary to make assumptions where information if sketchy or unavailable

Selection of Markets
•    Stages of Target Marketing

a.    Market Segmentation
Bases used:
Consumer: Demographics; Geographical; Benefits; Lifestyle; Usage.
B2B: Geographical; Size of Firm; Type of Industry; Type of Buying Organisation.

b. Product Positioning
Perceptual Mapping (MDS)

Marketing Plan continued…..

3.    Target Markets
?    Segments of the market the organisation proposes to target.  The remainder of the plan will be directed at these target markets.
?    Each target market should be profiled and justified.
?    Profiles = Key characteristics and needs of each target market
?    As each segment is aimed at a different group of buyers, each target market will require a differentiated marketing mix
4.    Marketing Objectives
?    What the organisation wants to achieve in each target market.
?    Normally specified in terms of market share and/or sales turnover.
?    Must be quantified and time scaled
•    Short term      = approx. one year
•    Medium term = one to five years
•    Long term       = five+ years

Marketing Mix (4 P’s):
Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
?    Use the marketing mix to position a product / service in a target market
?    Each area of the mix must fit with the others and reflect a strong and consistent positioning strategy.
?    Every target market must have a differentiated marketing mix

Marketing Plan continued…..
5.    Product
?    Products offered:
o    Core product
o    Formal product
o    Augmented product
?    New Product Development
?    Product Lifecycle
6.    Price
•    Pricing strategy – e.g. premium pricing
•    Discounts – e.g. trade. Quantity
•    Credit Facilities

Brand Name Decisions
–    Individual names – Bold, Persil
–    Blanket family names – Heinz
–    Separate family names for different products – British Gas, One Tel.
–    Corporate name combined with individual product names – Kellogs, Cadbury
–    Note:  well managed brands extend PLC – Kodak, Wrigleys, Gillette, Coca-Cola, Heinz – all over 70 years old.

Marketing Plan continued…..
7.    Place
?    What channels use to distribute products/services to the target market – e.g. retailers, catalogues, sales representatives, franchising, internet etc.
?    Channel length
?    Relationship between channel members
?    Market exposure
?    How support channel

Key elements of promotional strategy:

Target Audience


Communication Objectives

Apportionment of Budget

Advertising                Sales Promotion

Evaluation & Control

Marketing Plan continued…..
8.    Promotion
?    Target Audience
?    Message
?    Communication objectives
?    Promotional budget
?    Promotional tools
•    Sales promotion
•    Public relations
•    Advertising
•    Personal selling
•    Direct Marketing
?    Evaluation and Control

9.    Control
?    How monitor plan’s effectiveness – Marketing Research.
?    Marketing Research Objectives
?    Secondary Research
?    Primary Research
•    Questionnaire
•    Sampling
Please note:
?    All recommendations should be supported with a full justification on why this is the most appropriate course of action.
?    Strategy = broad outline of plan
Tactics   = more detailed plan containing operational information e.g. budget breakdowns, allocation of responsibilities, schedules etc.

Marketing Plan
1.    Background
?    Brief overview of analysis identifying key SWOT factors
2.    Assumptions
?    When developing a plan from case study material it may be necessary to make assumptions where information if sketchy or unavailable

Selection of Markets
•    Stages of Target Marketing

a.    Market Segmentation
Bases used:
Consumer: Demographics; Geographical; Benefits; Lifestyle; Usage.
B2B: Geographical; Size of Firm; Type of Industry; Type of Buying Organisation.

b. Product Positioning
Perceptual Mapping (MDS)

Marketing Plan continued…..

3.    Target Markets
?    Segments of the market the organisation proposes to target.  The remainder of the plan will be directed at these target markets.
?    Each target market should be profiled and justified.
?    Profiles = Key characteristics and needs of each target market
?    As each segment is aimed at a different group of buyers, each target market will require a differentiated marketing mix
4.    Marketing Objectives
?    What the organisation wants to achieve in each target market.
?    Normally specified in terms of market share and/or sales turnover.
?    Must be quantified and time scaled
•    Short term      = approx. one year
•    Medium term = one to five years
•    Long term       = five+ years

Marketing Mix (4 P’s):
Product, Price, Place and Promotion.
?    Use the marketing mix to position a product / service in a target market
?    Each area of the mix must fit with the others and reflect a strong and consistent positioning strategy.
?    Every target market must have a differentiated marketing mix

Marketing Plan continued…..
5.    Product
?    Products offered:
o    Core product
o    Formal product
o    Augmented product
?    New Product Development
?    Product Lifecycle
6.    Price
•    Pricing strategy – e.g. premium pricing
•    Discounts – e.g. trade. Quantity
•    Credit Facilities

Brand Name Decisions
–    Individual names – Bold, Persil
–    Blanket family names – Heinz
–    Separate family names for different products – British Gas, One Tel.
–    Corporate name combined with individual product names – Kellogs, Cadbury
–    Note:  well managed brands extend PLC – Kodak, Wrigleys, Gillette, Coca-Cola, Heinz – all over 70 years old.

Marketing Plan continued…..
7.    Place
?    What channels use to distribute products/services to the target market – e.g. retailers, catalogues, sales representatives, franchising, internet etc.
?    Channel length
?    Relationship between channel members
?    Market exposure
?    How support channel

Key elements of promotional strategy:

Target Audience


Communication Objectives

Apportionment of Budget

Advertising                Sales Promotion

Evaluation & Control

Marketing Plan continued…..
8.    Promotion
?    Target Audience
?    Message
?    Communication objectives
?    Promotional budget
?    Promotional tools
•    Sales promotion
•    Public relations
•    Advertising
•    Personal selling
•    Direct Marketing
?    Evaluation and Control

9.    Control
?    How monitor plan’s effectiveness – Marketing Research.
?    Marketing Research Objectives
?    Secondary Research
?    Primary Research
•    Questionnaire
•    Sampling
Please note:
?    All recommendations should be supported with a full justification on why this is the most appropriate course of action.
?    Strategy = broad outline of plan
Tactics   = more detailed plan containing operational information e.g. budget breakdowns, allocation of responsibilities, schedules etc.


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