Posted: September 18th, 2017

Marketing and International Business

General Instructions:
This project is a group task with the expectations that each member of the team will contribute in a substantial way in the successful accomplishment of the work. Each group has to select a topic/country of its own choice to study the indicators and other aspects of international business. The project report should be compiled between 15-20 pages (per group). The groups have to select times new roman font with 12 size. The report should be single space. The report should contain charts and organograms to explain different aspects of the topic.
The project report should follow the following broader guidelines:
1. Table of content
2. Introduction of the project
3. Historical background of the topic under study
4. Current situation analysis
5. International Business related information
6. Your own observation on the situation analysis
7. Comparisons
8. Findings
9. Suggestions
10. Summary and Conclusions
11. References
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