Posted: April 3rd, 2015

Marketing Comunication in a Digital World

Marketing Comunication in a Digital World

Order Description

Its a digital marketing strategy” marketing communications plan “, The work must include only bullets, diagram and tables.

1.    Assessment task and assessment criteria for coursework : (all the work contain table/diagrams/bullets points . Paragraph not required at all)
Individual Assignment (100%)
This assignment should be a minimum of 4000 words.
Develop a Strategic Marketing Plan for an online/digital problem being faced by an existing organization, a specific product/service or a brand of your choice.
All the stages of the Strategic Marketing Plan should be covered and existing secondary data from the internet or annual reports can be used to assist the context analysis of the problem. Primary research is not critical to this assignment but if you feel it will add to your plan then you can integrate primary research into the assignment. You can select any strategic problem of your choice. The brief is deliberately broad to encourage creativity but realism is essential.
An assignment clinic session will be held after the final teaching session to answer any queries related to the coursework. (Please refer to the green color fonts below)

Marking Criteria
The assignment should demonstrate the following:
1. An ability to draw on appropriate theory to critically evaluate and address a practical marketing communications problem.
2. An understanding of how a marketing communications problem might be overcome through the lens of appropriate strategic tools.
3. A clear set of appropriate recommendations that are rooted in the approaches discussed.
4. The assignment should be well-structured and referenced. An unreferenced assignment will automatically result in a fail.

Module learning Outcomes
1: Demonstrate a critical understanding of theoretical and practice elements underpinning marketing communications and promotion management
2: Critically evaluate the role of social media and online marketing in marketing communications strategies
3: Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the validity of a variety of consumer-based models relating to the development of effective promotional activities in different scenarios
4: Apply analytical and problem solving skills to marketing communications problems, cases, and questions
2.    Reading and resources list
Core text(s)
Chaffee, D and Ellis-Chadwick, F (2012) Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice.
Pearson Education.
Further and Equivalent reading
Smith, P. R., Zook, Z., (2011), Marketing Communications: Integrating off line and on line with social media, London: Kogan Page
Shimp T A, (2010), Integrated Marketing Communication in Advertising and Promotion, 8th Edition, South Western, Ohio.
Hackley, C. (2010), Advertising and Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Approach (2nd Edition), Sage Publications
Other Sources:
Students will be expected to keep themselves up to date with national and international marketing communication developments by reading the serious Press.
Assignment Structure as per the instructor  request to be as the following in Green color:
a)    Introduction: about the organization / challenges if facing goals of assignment.
b)    PESTEL – Market analysis – internal analysis – competition  analysis table – SWOT.
c)    Objective: mention the top 3-4 gaps and then mention your broad objective then you revise the objectives and fine tune them
d)    Then you come up with your strategy :
S: segmentation T: targeting P: positioning B: branding

e)    Action : you need to
–    Review a web site use 7Cs
–    Review the social media
–    Camping themes
–    Your story
–    E- CRM
–    IMC : integrated Marketing Communications
–    Time line + budgeting : Monitoring  + Control
f)    Consolation : you must conclude recommending digital marketing communications
g)    At least 15 references
I attached a sample of a fundraising plan, but please consider:
1.       it’s a fundraising plan not a marketing communications plan but it shows the structure and style of a professionally constructed sample.
2.       You don’t have to make yours as rigorous as this especially the situation analysis
it has to be a marketing communication plan as this is what our module is! But applied to the digital/online context.

Bellow to use smeller tables which are important as per instructor:

Summary of typical focus for main types of e-commerce-related strategic

The SOSTAC® planning framework applied to digital Digital marketing strategy

A generic digital channel-specific SWOT analysis showing typical
opportunities and threats presented by digital media

An example of an digital channel specific SWOT for an established
multichannel brand showing how the elements of SWOT can be related to
strategy formulation

An example of the relationship between objectives, strategies and performance
Important to use in assignment

Using the Internet to support different organizational growth strategies
Please use this in assignment

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