Posted: December 2nd, 2013

Marketing Plan for Simulation

Description: we have marketing simulation ; include 5 rounds ,we went through all rounds and my team got the highest share price in round 4. now each member will
prepare marketing plan for round 5 so I will be responsible about iSporty LR product .its very important to analyze the product by following 9 headings in
marketing simulation and assessment Guide attached. I want the writer to follow the same format in attachment and put the heading for each paragraph
and answer all points under each heading. each heading has 10% mark so the total will be 90% and last 10% for spelling , gummer and format. its very
important to link between the marketing strategies learnt in materials attached and marketing plan. my instructor is very strict so I need professional
writer who has marketing background and can analyze the report in professional way and explain very well the marketing strategies in material attached
and answer all points. I prepared a summary of marketing plan for isporty LR product , use this report to help you in analyzing the product. Please follow
carefully my instruction and as I don’t have time to revise the order . Mr writer, please put your maximum effort in this report , I really need very high
quality report. I totally depend on you to get A in my course. Note: I need simple but deep and valuable English language. Note: it should be 8 pages
.using 1.5 spacing , 12 point times new roman font and 2.54cm margins. If more than 8 pages are submitted, the additional pages will not be graded , so
be very concise.
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