Posted: September 13th, 2017

Marketing research on obesity

Marketing research on obesity

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section 1 of the assignment already been written, i will provide it so you can have a look and know what to write for 2nd and 3rd sections, also please make up a

questioner for de montfort university

Section 2 and 3

Qualitative Primary Data Collection
This part of the assignment requires you to plan and execute some exploratory primary research. This will investigate some of the following:
• the attitudes of current De Montfort students in the age range 19-30 to managing weight at university
• current student behaviour around diet, exercise, how they view weight and food intake
• student perceptions of their own weight and that of family members or friends
• how and why some students may experience weight issues or problems when they come to study at a university and are away from home for the first time.
• Current awareness of health risks associated with weight gain
For the primary research, there are two parts to the assignment.
Section 2
will be a brief research design. You must adopt a qualitative approach here, and your primary research design needs to be briefly explained. In this, you are expected

to demonstrate knowledge of research design, to be able to explain the research process logically and to illustrate a relevant research plan. You need to develop an

interview schedule and explain you proposed data collection. The final interview schedule will be placed in an Appendix. You write an in-depth interview guide or

schedule. You will then carry out four interviews with FOUR individual DMU students. These respondents may or may not be known to you. All the ‘how to do it’ aspects

of this data collection and analysis are covered in class (theory and practice), with practical skills being developed in class workshops.
The word limit for Section 2 is 900 words approximately (this excludes References and Appendices)

Section 3
will be a write up of your findings from the interview data, with a discussion section that links your findings to prior research and a short conclusion. You will need

to analyse the qualitative data you have collected using a structured content analysis and coding to identify the key patterns You are advised to audio-record the

interviews and prepare word-for-word transcripts. These will help you to select the quotes from the interviews to illustrate key points in your commentary. In the

discussion, some comparison of the patterns in the interviews with those noted from previous secondary research is required. Finally, based on your findings, in the

conclusion, you need to a) briefly identify the most significant findings from your research and b) make suggestions on what the Obesity Centre might include in their

April 2015 plan
The word limit for Section 3 is 1,500 words (this excluded References and Appendices)

1.3 Key Guidelines on Reports
• The word count for each of your written reports (Section 1, 2 and 3) excludes the list of references and appendices. Please note also that anyone ignoring the word

limit for either part of this assignment may be penalized.
• The analyses needs to be coherent, with clear, logical explanation and reasoned commentary. The analysis of the findings of the primary data needs to be well-

developed and thorough, and not just descriptive and superficial. Guidance will be offered on qualitative data analysis in class. The format of the reports will also

be commented upon further in class. However, each report should include:
o Short Executive Summary (No more than 100 words);
o Title Page;
o List of Contents;
o Main Findings;
o Discussion/Conclusion (no more than 300 words);
o References and Appendices.
• Each report should be in 12 point Times Roman, Arial or Calibri font. Clearly expressed points in English, careful punctuation and appropriate use of paragraphs will

be appreciated, and will help you improve your work.
• A full list of references of all sources (whether academic or industry-based) must appear at the end of each part of your assignment. Please follow the Harvard

referencing pro-forma on Blackboard and the current Guide (fourth edition). Sources must also be indicated clearly in the main text, as they arise. You must not copy

material directly from any source word for word without acknowledgement, and neither must you paraphrase material from any source (academic or business) without

acknowledgment. To do so is ‘plagiarism’, which is a serious academic offence. Very important: these reports (assignments part 1 and 2) must be entirely your own work

and no-one else’s.
• In each report, you should use no more than three appendices in one report. Materials that appear in the appendices must be referred to and commented upon in the

main text. Details on some possible appendices will be commented upon in class.

please follow key guidelines carefully, and go through the assignment brief carefully, if theres anything please dont hesitate to contact me.

1.1       Introduction
This assessment is worth 100% of your module grade in total. In your assessment, you are asked to gather and analyse both secondary data in Section 1 of the Assignment

and primary data (qualitative) in Sections 2 and 3 of the assignment.
1.2    Research Context and Task
You have been recruited as a researcher by the Obesity Centre at the University of Birmingham to carry out a study of obesity among university students in Leicester.

The Obesity Centre wishes to develop an awareness programme among students in Leicester of the health risks arising from obesity in April 2015.  Before launching that

programme, they wish you to get data on attitudes and current student behaviour around diet, exercise, weight and food management.  Also, the Obesity Centre would be

interested in identifying the level of knowledge of undergraduate and postgraduate students of the health risks associated with weight gain and obesity.
There are Three Tasks
For Section 1  of this assignment, you will need to gather academic sources that address the psychological and interpersonal influences on consumer behaviour around

food.  You also need to gather some contemporary sources that address the issues of obesity in the UK.  Preliminary research is needed so that you understand the

patterns of obesity in the UK, some of the current behaviour and lifestyle trends and how that links to weight patterns of young people in the age range 19 to 30. You

will write a report that summarizes what you have found from this preliminary  research.
The word limit for Section 1 is 1,200 words (this excludes References and Appendices)
Section 2 and 3
Qualitative Primary Data Collection
This part of the assignment requires you to plan and execute some exploratory primary research.  This will investigate some of the following:
•    the attitudes of current De Montfort students in the age range 19-30 to managing weight at university
•    current student behaviour around diet, exercise, how they view weight and food intake
•    student perceptions of their own weight and that of family members or friends
•    how and why some students may experience weight issues or problems when they come to study at a university and are away from home for the first time.
•    Current awareness of health risks associated with weight gain
For the primary research, there are two parts to the assignment.
Section 2 will be a brief research design. You must adopt a qualitative approach here, and your primary research design needs to be briefly explained.  In this, you

are expected to demonstrate knowledge of research design, to be able to explain the research process logically and to illustrate a relevant research plan.  You need to

develop an interview schedule and explain you proposed data collection. The final interview schedule will be placed in an Appendix.  You write an in-depth interview

guide or schedule.  You will then carry out four interviews with FOUR individual DMU students. These respondents may or may not be known to you. All the ‘how to do it’

aspects of this data collection and analysis are covered in class (theory and practice), with practical skills being developed in class workshops.
The word limit for Section 2 is 900 words approximately (this excludes References and Appendices)
Section 3 will be a write up of your findings from the interview data, with a  discussion section that links your findings to prior research and a short conclusion.

You will need to analyse the qualitative data you have collected using a structured content analysis and coding to identify the key patterns You are advised to audio-

record the interviews and prepare word-for-word transcripts.  These will help you to select the quotes from the interviews to illustrate key points in your commentary.

In the discussion, some comparison of the patterns in the interviews with those noted from previous secondary research is required.  Finally, based on your findings,

in the conclusion, you need to a) briefly identify the most significant findings from your research  and b) make suggestions on what the Obesity Centre might include

in their April 2015 plan
The word limit for Section 3 is 1,500 words (this excluded References and Appendices)
1.3    Key Guidelines on Reports
•    The word count for each of your written reports (Section 1, 2 and 3) excludes the list of references and appendices.  Please note also that anyone ignoring the

word limit for either part of this assignment may be penalized.
•    The analyses needs to be coherent, with clear, logical explanation and reasoned commentary. The  analysis of the findings of the primary data needs to be

well-developed and thorough, and not just descriptive and superficial. Guidance will be offered on qualitative data analysis in class.  The format of the reports will

also be commented upon further in class. However, each report should include:
o    Short Executive Summary (No more than 100 words);
o    Title Page;
o    List of Contents;
o    Main Findings;
o    Discussion/Conclusion (no more than 300 words);
o    References and Appendices.
•    Each report should be in 12 point Times Roman, Arial or Calibri font.  Clearly expressed points in English, careful punctuation and appropriate use of

paragraphs will be appreciated, and will help you improve your work.
•    A full list of references of all sources (whether academic or industry-based) must appear at the end of each part of your assignment.  Please follow the

Harvard referencing pro-forma on Blackboard and the current Guide (fourth edition). Sources must also be indicated clearly in the main text, as they arise. You must

not copy material directly from any source word for word without acknowledgement, and neither must you paraphrase material from any source (academic or business)

without acknowledgment. To do so is ‘plagiarism’, which is a serious academic offence. Very important: these reports (assignments part 1 and 2) must be entirely your

own work and no-one else’s.
•    In each report, you should use no more than three appendices in one report. Materials that appear in the appendices must be referred to and commented upon in

the main text. Details on some possible appendices will be commented upon in class.

1.4    Hand in to Student Advice Centre:
Assignment Section 1 –  You need to submit the assignment to the SAC  (Ground Floor, Hugh Aston) by  4:00 p.m. on 10th November, 2014
Please submit
•    Receipt from SAC
•    ONE hard copy of complete report with any supporting materials.

Turnitin : You ALSO MUST submit this first report (for Section 1) via turnitin by 21:00 on 10th November 2014
Assignment Section 2 and 3  –  You need to submit the assignment to the SAC  (Ground Floor, Hugh Aston) by  4:00 p.m. on 16th January, 2015.
Please submit
•    Receipt from SAC
•    ONE copy on disc of complete report (including appendices plus the transcripts of all interviews).
•    ONE hard copy of complete report with any supporting materials.

Turnitin:  You ALSO MUST submit this report (for Section 2 and Section 3) by 21:00 on 16th January 2015.
How to access turnitin will be explained in class.
1.6     Support for your assignment
•    Some theoretical and practical input on the subject of secondary research and primary research in class.
•    Some Blackboard support available (suggested workshop to follow)
•    Dedicated session with the librarian on electronic sources available in the library in Week 4.
•    A ‘drop-in’ session to offer support and guidance for the primary research task. (TBA)

1.7     Overall Indicators of Grade
A basic assignment that achieves a pass grade will include:
•    Adequate treatment of each area of analysis, drawing upon secondary and primary data.
•    Adequate analysis of the market for books, in your own words and with relevant sources.
•    Clear discussion of key patterns and trends in this market.
•    Sound primary research approach with interview data successfully collected.
•    Content analysis of findings in line with guidance in class.
•    A reasoned evaluation of the proposed new retail book store in Leicester.
•    Correct format in report.
•    Adequate sources and clear referencing.
•    Organized and focused conclusions

A good to excellent assignment will demonstrate:
•    Skilful treatment of each area of analysis, drawing upon secondary and primary data.
•    Solid explanation of the marketing implications arising from a well-developed and thorough book market analysis, in your own words and with relevant sources

(including theoretical).
•    Good understanding of what’s needed for effective data collection using interviews.
•    Conscientious Content Analysis and Coding of interview data, with insightful interpretation showing that any discussion or conclusions are well-justified and

•    Thoughtful, justified evaluation regarding the proposed new retail book store in Leicester.
•    Organization of report: clearly presented with logical linkages and in line with guidelines.
•    Consistent, accurate and thorough referencing.
•    Well-integrated and meaningful conclusions.

1.8    Feedback
You will receive written feedback on how well you have succeeded in carrying out both parts of this assignment.  It will consist of a feedback sheet attached to your

marked work, with comment on each of the main tasks, plus an overall evaluation.  The pages in your work will also be annotated to some extent, as necessary.
1.9    Reassessment
If your assignment does not achieve a pass grade of 50%, there will be ONE further opportunity to resubmit. Details on re-assessment are issued by the Assessment

Some background materials are available that enable you to get started on secondary research on this case.
Source 1 : Article on Behavioural Aspects of Obesity
Source 2 : Recent Report on Obesity Statistics in UK
Available at:
Source 3 : Short article on Obesity from University of Birmingham
Obesity in the UK
Obesity rates in the UK are the highest in Europe and have increased dramatically over the past few years to such an extent that in excess of 20% of the population are

now obese and the costs to the UK economy exceed £3 billion per year. In Birmingham, over 25% of the population are obese – the third highest rate in the UK. The high

prevalence of obesity in adults within England is alarming, with national averages of over 40% of males overweight and more than 20% obese in the 16-75 year age range,

while in women the averages are lower for the overweight classification but higher for obesity.
Although obesity can be tackled through increased exercise and a better diet, for those who are already obese the health consequences are severe. On average, being

obese decreases life expectancy by nearly 10 years. In addition, it is associated with dramatically increased risks of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension,

coronary artery disease and hyperlipidaemia. It has also been suggested that in the not too distant future, obesity could not only become the leading cause of liver

failure, but also the leading cause of cancer worldwide. Further research into these obesity-related diseases is crucial.

The World Health Organisation identified that a reduction of physical activity in combination with an increased consumption of more energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods

with high levels of sugar and saturated fats, have led to obesity rates that have risen over three-fold since 1980 in some areas of North America, the United Kingdom,

Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific Islands, Australasia and China. Although the importance of exercise and a healthy diet is widely reported, further

research into the forms of exercise and the types of diet that are most effective at reducing obesity is needed. Furthermore, many people do not make the necessary

lifestyle changes that are needed to tackle obesity and therefore, there is a need for interventions that can successfully influence healthy eating in the general


The community in which an individual lives is also important. The minority ethnic populations have a similar prevalence of obesity to the general population, however,

these figures are based on Body Mass Index (BMI) calculations. For a given BMI, Asians have a greater proportion of body fat compared to other populations and this

contributes to a markedly increased risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. This underestimation of the problem of obesity amongst certain populations requires

further investigation, increasing the target population that needs intervention as well as increasing our understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to the

adverse consequences of obesity in specific populations.

Finally, obesity is well-known to be a particular problem amongst children. A survey of obesity at primary school entry (i.e. 5 years of age) in Birmingham and the

West Midlands in 2006 showed an average of over 12% overweight and around 10% obese. Levels of overweight and obese children in Birmingham as they leave primary school

(11 year olds) showed that, on average across the wards, 40% of children are either overweight or obese, with up to 60% in the Edgbaston ward. This is a particularly

worrying trend as obesity in childhood tracks into adulthood with all its associated risks. It has been predicted that this is the first generation of children who are

likely to die before their parents, due to the effects of obesity induced cardiovascular disease. The need to enhance our understanding of the causes of obesity and to

instigate meaningful and efficacious treatments is both clear and urgent. Within the West Midlands region, over 1 million adults are obese and the health and economic

implications of this cannot be underestimated.

There are numerous other sources that you can locate yourself on this case.  You will find relevant reports on this market in your databases (MIntel, Keynote) and by

undertaking a good search of government and health authorities websites, UK newspapers and news websites.
You should also use the databases such as Emerald and Proquest to gather recent academic articles on the topic. You need to develop your own keywords.


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