Posted: December 7th, 2013

Marketing Research Report Part 3 Instructions

Data Submission
Review the Basic Data Analysis section in theZikmund & Babintext and the presentationfrom Module/Week 4, Presentation: Using Excel for Data Analysis. There will be 2submissions in this assignment: the Excel document with the raw data that includes a code guide and the Marketing Research Reportas a continuation of your Part 1 Word document.
1.      Submit the raw data from your survey results in an Excel document. To do this, you will need to build an Excel spreadsheet to organize your data. You may find that Survey Monkey or other online survey tools will already do this for you.
2.      In order to get the best results from your data analysis, you will need to code your responses that are not already numerical. For example, if your question asked if the respondent was male or female, male=0, and female=1. If it was yes or no question, yes=0, no=1. Please include a code guide with your raw data.
Your Excel document submission is your raw data with a code chart to clarify what the raw numbers stand for. Please note that raw data is numerical and the data has not been manipulated in any way. You can post the Code Guide in Sheet 2 of your Excel document if that is easier for you. As an example, your raw data and code guide will look like this:

Code Guide:
Gender: 1=male, 2=female
Age Range: 1=18-24, 2=25-30, etc.
Q1 (5 point likert scale): 1=very unlikely, 2=unlikely, 3=neutral, etc.
3.      Submit 3tables that were created in Excel from your data, inclusive of 1frequency table and 2cross-tabulation tables. This needs to be relevant information that will directly impact your research problem. Please write 1comprehensive paragraph underneath each individual table that clearly describes what the table is showing and what the inferences are from this table and information in relation to the research problem. Turn at least 1 of your tables into a graph (either a bar or pie chart) to show the data from the table. Place this material (three charts/tables and three written discussions of each) as Appendix 2 in your research report, and submit this part as a compilation with your Parts 1 and 2.

This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.
Project Submission
Review the Communicating Research Results chapter in the Zikmund & Babin text. This assignment brings together the prior work you have done, and will result in the submission of a complete Marketing Research Study.
1.      In your APAformatted Research Report, incorporate a 35paragraph section titled Results. Here you will include the information you attained from the data analysis during Part 3. Incorporate the appropriate graphs, charts and written analysis here to support your points and discuss how your survey results address your research question. Include limitations at the end of your results section (such as your respondents were 80% male to 20% female or if you had any issues with your survey process). There should be at least 1 limitation listed.
2.      Submit a Conclusions and Recommendations Section. This should be a 23paragraph section that wraps up your research study, and is the place where you discuss any recommendations for the company/issue as a result of the research you completed. This will be your own opinion based on your research. Finally, recommend what additional research could be done to further address your research problem.
3.      Amend your Appendix II to include only the charts and graphs that you created, but did not incorporate into your results section. Place your
raw survey data as Appendix III in your project.
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