Posted: September 14th, 2017

Marvin v. Marvin

Marvin v. Marvin

In this Assignment, you are to read and analyze the following resources. You are to also answer the questions below. This Assignment examines historical case law and development, alternative forms of marriages for gay couples, to the present day debate of gay marriage and its various effects on U.S. law, gay couples, and other incidental groups and areas.

Marvin v. Marvin, 18 Cal. 3d 660, 557 P.2d 106, 134 Cal. Rptr. 815 (1976)

Please answer the following:

How does Marvin relate to the issue of same-sex marriages? (Specifically, what viable alternatives are provided in Marvin to same-sex couples, if any)?
How are these alternatives equal in benefits and rights, as in a valid marriage, if at all?
How would marriage affect gay couples as compared to the effects of marriage of heterosexual couples?
What potential effects would prohibition of gay marriage have on other areas of law, if any?
Note: You can utilize other academic resources in responding to this Assignment. You are not limited by the case law alone. This Assignment should be a minimum of 3 total pages and properly formatted.

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