Posted: November 26th, 2014

Mass Customisation and Personalisation

Mass Customisation and Personalisation

The course title is Thematic Independent Study so the topic of this paper can be relatively broad and the emphasis is flexible. My general idea of the paper is to provide theories and insights on market segmentation. The following information provides requirements and criteria of the paper.

The 4,000 words essay:
1.    An essay which contextualises a topic
Describes and defines the topic using academic materials and references
2.    Sets the context for the next essay
3.    No primary data

1.    Selecting TIS topic£º
a.    Constrained by the areas identified by the departments.
b.    Needs to be limited to only secondary data.
c.    Must allow a critical examination of existing knowledge of a topic.

2.    Themes of essay:
a.    Original Theme/Topic
Not undertaken previously and not reworked.
b. Appropriate themes
1. Based on academic theory
2. Critical and questioning
TIPS: essays which are very descriptive are unlikely to gain a good mark!
3. Argue a point or question assumed academic wisdom

The attached file contains sample essays for consultancy however try to avoid similarities. There are also format requirements included.

Please note that the distinction between an essay and a report can be blurred; An essay CAN OFTEN be structured more like a report with headings separating the sections of the essay.
Be sure that you’ve reviewed the required format in the PPT slides that is posted in the Week of Oct 27, which should have been discussed during your TIS tutorial:

¨CIntroduction (250 words ~ 2-3 paragraphs)


?Sub-theme one (1000 words ~ 5-6 paragraphs)
¨CTransition (150 words ~ 1-2 paragraphs)

?Sub-theme two (1000 words ~ 5-6 paragraphs)
¨CTransition (150 words ~ 1-2 paragraphs)


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