Posted: September 13th, 2017

Mathematics has embedded itself in our everyday life

Mathematics has embedded itself in our everyday life

Ricky’s girlfriend, Rebecca, had a birthday approaching and she asked for a hoodie from Hollister. The day before her birthday, Ricky went to the store and was shocked when he saw that hooded sweatshirts cost $59.99! A sales clerk saw his surprise and let him know that they were having a spring hoodie sale to clear the shelves for summer stock. All hooded sweatshirts were on sale for 35% off. Ricky was very pleased to hear this, so he grabbed the hoodie and went to the register. The clerk rang up the sale and the total came to $47.69 including the 6% sales tax on shoes and clothing. Believing he had saved $12.30, Ricky was so happy that bought Rebecca a nice bouquet of flowers to go with her new hoodie.

After reading this story, you can be lumped into one of two categories:
a.) You are happy for Ricky for saving $12.30 and hope that he and Rebecca live happily ever after.

b.) You are disappointed that Ricky could be so gullible! 35% off of $59.99 is $38.99 so even with sales tax, the sweater shouldn’t cost more than $42.00

After hearing of the error, Ricky was quoted as saying, “If only I had thought to get my cell phone and use the calculator…”

Mathematics has embedded itself in our everyday life. Whether we try to calculate the average miles-per-gallon of our cars or figure out which size wrench to use if 9/16 inch is too big and 1/2 inch is too small, people need to have a basic understanding of numbers. Unfortunately with the advent of cell phone calculators, it seems as though that the new generation of young adults has become dependent on technology to do math for them.

To satisfy the Honors Writing Assignment, you must answer the following in an essay with 3-5 pages of narrative content:
1. Do you agree with the bolded statement above? Explain.
2. What role should calculators play in high school math classes? Explain.
3. Do you feel that new forms of technology have driven students to depend on calculators to perform basic mathematical operations or do you feel that there is some other factor? Explain.
4. How do your parent/guardian’s experiences in math class differ from your experiences in math class? Explain.
5. What is your position on the use of calculators?
a. If you think calculators are harming students’ understandings of mathematics, what are some possible solutions to increase ability levels in math?
b. If you feel there is benefit from using calculators in math class, explain how students can benefit from having access to such technology.
Additionally, you must have two to four different resources, with proper parenthetical citations as necessary, to support your assertions. Resources may include the opinions of venerated professionals, research data, and original research efforts. If you use opinion polls, please ensure your sample size is over 50 persons.

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