Posted: March 3rd, 2014

Mathew is a 31 one year old male that is a hard worker and an employee in one of the largest companies in South Africa.

Mathew is a 31 one year old male that is a hard worker and an employee in one of the largest companies in South Africa. Mathew is always on time for work, he is a hard working employee, and always gets the job done on time. Tom is the head manager of the department that Mathew works in, and their relationship was good.


Tom received a bonus budget to distribute among the hard working employees in the department. But before the distribution date in a few days, Mathew passed away. Tom knows that his family is struggling and they really need the money, but on the other hand he can pull of the bonus and combine it with another budget (specify what budget).



Do you think that Tom should process Mathew’s budget, or pull it off?

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