Posted: September 16th, 2017

Media monitoring

Media monitoring


500 words MAXIMUM* + table (in pdf form)

Materials needed:
Access to Factiva

Additional Resource:
PRIA social media and content analysis guidelines, including a summary table in a format that could be easy to use:


1. Media search (not included in word count)
Use Factiva to search for media coverage of a particular topic – “Melbourne Spring Fashion Week”.

2. Article (clip) analysis (table, not included in word count)
Select 5 articles from your results to analyse for key characteristics, like prominence and tone. You may use the PRIA table in the resource above (p2) to summarise your clips
*Please save a PDF of the results list from your search

3. Media Summary
a). Summarise your results with basic metrics, e.g. frequency, from your Factiva search and tone, key messages, prominence, etc from the article analysis.
b). What does this tell the City of Melbourne about their media presence?
c). Very briefly reflect on why AVE is not appropriate for public relations practitioners anymore. (there is mention of AVE in the PRIA link above)

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