Posted: September 13th, 2017

Media. PART 1: GROUP ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Students are assigned to one of seven groups that represent the seven core social institutions found in every society (family, education, economy, polity, religion, media, medical). Each group will submit ONE final annotated bibliography, with as many sources included as there are group members. Group annotated bibliographies are due in hard copy on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23rd in class. PART 2: INDIVIDUAL FORMAL OUTLINE. Formal outlines will include subject matter for most (or all) of the items listed in Part 3 below. Each bullet point shall have at least two subsections below it. PART 3: INDIVIDUAL FINAL RESEARCH PAPER. a. Introduction: Provide general background on your social problem. Define the terms “sociology” and “sociological imagination.” Explain the value of using sociological imagination to understand social life. Cite your sources. The last sentence of your introduction will be your thesis statement. b. Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement should be a concise and narrow explanation of what you will be exploring in the rest of your paper. c. Literature Review: Conduct a review of relevant academic literature pertaining to your institutional social problem. Remember to compare/contrast methods, findings, etc. from similar sources, and to highlight key differences/conflicts between dissimilar sources. d. Considered Position/Coherent Argument: Name and describe ONLY ONE social issue or problem that you are focusing on in your paper. Explain why you consider it to be a social rather personal issue or problem. e. Data and Methods: Show how relevant, widespread or significant your selected social problem is by reviewing the method of data collection in your academically relevant sources. Include important findings that you may have setup in your literature review. Be sure to cite your sources. g. Theory. Explain and apply ONE of the three core sociological theories (functionalist, social conflict, or symbolic interactionist perspective) to your particular institutional social problem. Remember that a well-argued theory section not only advances one position, it also argues against the other two core theoretical perspectives.


PART 1: GROUP ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Students are assigned to one of seven groups that represent the seven core social institutions found in every society (family, education, economy, polity, religion, media, medical). Each group will submit ONE final annotated bibliography, with as many sources included as there are group members. Group annotated bibliographies are due in hard copy on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 23rd in class.
PART 2: INDIVIDUAL FORMAL OUTLINE. Formal outlines will include subject matter for most (or all) of the items listed in Part 3 below. Each bullet point shall have at least two subsections below it.

a. Introduction: Provide general background on your social problem. Define the terms “sociology” and “sociological imagination.” Explain the value of using sociological imagination to understand social life. Cite your sources. The last sentence of your introduction will be your thesis statement.
b. Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement should be a concise and narrow explanation of what you will be exploring in the rest of your paper.
c. Literature Review: Conduct a review of relevant academic literature pertaining to your institutional social problem. Remember to compare/contrast methods, findings, etc. from similar sources, and to highlight key differences/conflicts between dissimilar sources.
d. Considered Position/Coherent Argument: Name and describe ONLY ONE social issue or problem that you are focusing on in your paper. Explain why you consider it to be a social rather personal issue or problem.
e. Data and Methods: Show how relevant, widespread or significant your selected social problem is by reviewing the method of data collection in your academically relevant sources. Include important findings that you may have setup in your literature review. Be sure to cite your sources.
g. Theory. Explain and apply ONE of the three core sociological theories (functionalist, social conflict, or symbolic interactionist perspective) to your particular institutional social problem. Remember that a well-argued theory section not only advances one position, it also argues against the other two core theoretical perspectives.

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