Posted: September 13th, 2017


Your task for paper 1 is to write a 2-page (double-spaced) paper that supports your learning of an assigned chapter in your text. Your paper should describe how that specialty area of psychological science affects or applies to your life or your major area of study.
The paper should follow this basic format:
Introduction (1/2 page): Introduce the topical area that you chose and describe how it connects to you’re an aspect of life or your major area of study. Provide a preview/summary of the thesis of your paper, e.g., I will next describe the way generalizability is applicable to the work of physical therapists. This includes: (a) research applications, (b) practice applications, and (c) education and training.
Review of the way in which your topic applies with supporting evidence (1 page):
• Through a written demonstration, describe or explain how you see the area of interest that you chose and how it connects with an aspect of your life or area of study. You should reference your text where applicable, and you must use at least one outside reference (appropriate resource for a college paper, i.e., not someone’s blog) to support your ideas. Remember that this is a scientific essay and thus, it should be written in the first or third person. In addition, for more advanced topics, you should provide additional references for your source(s) of information, unless you are already an expert in that area.
Summary (1/2 page): Summarize the points made through your analysis. Do not simply restate what you summarized in your introduction or the body of the paper. Avoid introducing new information, i.e., issues not discussed previously, in your summary. You may also discuss issues such as limitations in the current literature and/or future areas of research or practice issues to be addressed.
Papers must be printed and brought to class and they must use APA format, double-spacing, 1” margin on all sides, a staple on the upper left corner, and one of the following: 11 or 12-point fonts (Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri). Bulleting is not acceptable for a college paper. Papers should have proper APA citations. A link to examples of APA format is provided on your syllabus.

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