Posted: September 17th, 2017

Mental Health Interventions


Choose two (2) interventions that you could use for each the two consumers you assessed in Assessment One(i.e. you will outline four interventions in all).
These interventions may be psychological (e.g. crisis intervention, motivational interviewing, solution-focused brief therapy, other) or pharmacological (e.g. rapid tranquilization, PRN medication). You can choose one or the other, or a combination depending on the requirements of the situation.
In your answers, you will need to:
1. Name and briefly describe the intervention
2. Justify why you have chosen it, in light of the Case Study (written below)
3. Explain how the intervention is utilised or applied in general
4. Describe the benefits and challenges of utilising the intervention in light of the Case Study (written below)
5. Describe the benefits and challenges of utilising the intervention in light of your particular work situation (**Please note that I am an RN doing a post graduate course in mental health nursing and working in an acute inpatient unit here in Australia which provides voluntary and involuntary psychiatric care and treatment for people with mental health illness who require hospitalisation).***Note: The above is a follow-up assignment using the following 2 cases..

Case Study 1: Schizoaffective Disorder

A 23-year-old African-Australian male is presented to the unit with paranoia, euphoria, grandiose claims and auditory hallucinations. He has no history of both alcohol and substance abuse, and he has difficulties such as excluding himself socially. He has become so agitated at his workplace especially during the busy times. He has even begun handling customers discourteously, and he believes his boss has planted both audio recorders and video surveillance cameras at work to catch him make mistakes. Until recently, he has lived with both parents until they passed away through a tragic road accident. His symptoms are now frightening him, and he needs assistance.

Case study 2: Bipolar I Disorder.

A 25-year old male patient presents with a history of perennial and disabling headaches and depression. He has been severely depressed for a month prior to presentation and would cry for no reason. He had trouble with his movements, reduced appetite and had thoughts of self-harm. He was on Fluoxetine 20 mg a day, and he admitted to getting “frenzied” on the Fluoxetine as he gets extremely excited and would feel more anxious. He had poor tolerance with Bupropion as he became more depressed or agitated, and had difficulty sleeping.

He had suffered of concussion at the age 21, and had been having bouts of unconsciousness and mood swings for years. As a teen, he also had a history of alcohol abuse. He was diagnosed of a depressive disorder given the poor response to the antidepressants. Fluoxetine was discontinued as it was suspected to be worsening the mood swings. Family history revealed severe mood swings in both his father and maternal grandmother.

***Please email me if you have questions or if you require additional information. Thanks very much!

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