Posted: April 3rd, 2015

Merging Health Care Facilities

Question 1

To create an executive team for the newly created organization, there is a need to combine members from either side to represent each of the teams. This will ensure that the market power possessed by the initial hospitals is maintained. Some patients may have preferred Porter Regional Medical Center (PRMC) over Mountain Health Care (MHC) or the reverse. To ensure the consolidated facility captures both clienteles, they should include representatives from each side. This team should also include both primary care services and coordinating care to ensure that the facility meets both patient and staff needs (Lake, Devers, Brewster & Casalino, 2003).

Question 2

To facilitate a working culture in the new organization, there is a need for the management to establish a bond between the two teams. The reference “us” and “them” can be eliminated by standardizing the procedures followed in the new organization. This way the employees will have a similar reference which is new and common to both teams. A culture can also be established by centralizing decision making to ensure that all employees experience similar working conditions. For instance, employee benefits should be similar to avoid discrimination and promote team work. Encouraging them to mix and work as teams is also a step towards a common culture (Zuckerman, 2011).

Question 3

Merging is meant to restore the weak point for each organization. While one hospitals challenge is reduced patient numbers and losses, the other’s is aged facilities. To solve the issue of physical structures, the management should establish the surplus capacities and get an opportunity to cut costs. On establishing the most cost effective and efficient structures, the management should separate the structures so that one caters for primary care while the other one carters for administration needs. The aged facilities could be designated for offices and staff accommodation while the current ones would be assigned for primary care. The structures should be viewed as jointly belonging to the consolidated health care facility (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012).

Question 4

One of the risks with this merger is opposition by the community and problems with public relations. The merged institution is also forced to lay off some workers and unions; this affects the community economically. Legal issues could also come up, for instance, the case of Banner Regional Medical Center abandoning a county owned facility may breach some of the ownership contracts. The issue of office space among the physicians could be a challenge that could discourage physicians who feel that they are getting a bad treatment in the new merged facility (Zuckerman, 2011).

Question 5

To calm down staff fears before the merging, the board and administrators should give an assurance to the staff that their services are required. This could be enhanced by communicating all the positions available and encouraging the employees to apply for senior positions. This gives them hope that the change will improve their situation. Developing staff skills during the merge could be applied in ensuring that the current staff would meet the superior services required. After the consolidation, the board can keep its promises by training the staff and offering them some of the positions lefts by their superiors. This will encourage them to work efficiently since it promises them better opportunities (Buchbinder & Shanks, 2012).

Question 6

Sharing power and resources by physicians and administration reduces the risk of physicians leaving to establish their own facilities or working for competitors. To avoid this, the physicians should be given an opportunity to invest in some of the facilities used in the hospital. This will ensure continuous referrals and commitment. The hospital facility should also purchase some of the specialized practices to ensure that the physicians are loyal to the merged facility (Lake, Devers, Brewster & Casalino, 2003).



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