Posted: February 3rd, 2015



Paper details:
Please answer each review essay question below with a relatively brief, but thorough, answer. Such an answer will normally consist of a couple of paragraphs, and each paragraph will normally consist of several sentences. Answer all parts of the question and demonstrate in your answer a rationale and thread of argument that is coherent and concise. There is no need to be original, but please feel free to put some of your own thoughts into your answer in as much as the point of such work is to get you to think philosophically! Enjoy!

1. Explain metaphysical realism, noting its understanding of universals and particulars and of appearance vs. reality. Give at least one illustration of the significance of metaphysical realism in real life.

2. Explain metaphysical antirealism, noting its understanding of universals and particulars and of appearance vs. reality. Give at least one illustration of the significance of metaphysical antirealism in real life.

3. Pick one (1) of the following and explain and illustrate its metaphysical significance: determinism, pragmatism, or existentialism.

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