Posted: March 6th, 2014

Methods and strategies of effective training

I have 20 questions in Effective training for someone to answer for me. It says effective Training, stragic, System and Practices. Questions 1-20: Select the one best answer to each question. 1. Carl is expected to cut down 10 trees per day as a lumber¬jack. He has consistently cut down 8 trees per day. What is his performance gap? A. 1 tree per day C. 3 trees per day B. 2 trees per day D. 4 trees per day 2. Tracy has decided to try her new-employee orientation training on a small group of employees who have just been hired before the program is implemented throughout the entire company. In which phase of the training process model is Tracy?
A. Analysis phase B. Design phase C. Development phase D. Implementation phase 3. Steve knows that if he works hard his supervisor will do everything she can to help him get a nice pay raise at the end of the year. Which theory does this situation illustrate? A. Needs theory C. Reinforcement theory B. Cognitive theory D. Expectancy theory 4. Cook Cabinets is applying for ISO 9000 certification. The implementation team is currently assembling flowcharts that outline their entire manufacturing sequence from beginning to end. In which stage of certification is Cook Cabinets? A. Pre-audit C. Change B. Process mapping &n bsp; D. Post-audit 5. John is an employee of Cook Cabinets. He has been operating the table saw for seven years, and he’s an expert on the safety procedures he must use on the saw to avoid injury. John’s expertise in safety procedures is an example of his A. knowledge. C. attitudes. B. skills. D. competencies. 6. Which of the following factors will most influence the types and amount of training materials that you’ll use at a given time? A. Goal setting C. Valences B. KSA base &n bsp; D. Anxiety 7. Which of the following companies would be considered a cost leader? A. A company that invents a computer that’s faster than any other computer on the market B. A company that sells expensive, custom-made hand bags C. A company that explores the world looking for more sources of oil D. A company that mass produces the lowest-priced car on the market 8. Which of the following combinations of environmental stability and environmental complexity creates low environmental uncertainty? A. High stability and high complexity B. Low stability and low complexity C. High stability and low complexity D. Low stability and high complexity 9. Through a training needs analysis it was determined that Missy doesn’t have the skills needed to correctly perform the tasks required by her job. What type of analysis was used to make this determination? A. Organizational analysis C. Person analysis B. Operational analysis D. Task-oriented job analysis 10. Which of the following statements is true of a supervisor who works in a very organic organization? A. Doesn’t vary from set procedures B. Takes orders from his supervisor and dictates those orders to his employees C. Seeks and uses feedback from employees D. Doesn’t train employees to perform any tasks outside of their jobs 11. Which of the following scenarios illustrates a relatedness need according to ERG theory? A. Jim constantly seeking the approval of his co-workers and supervisor B. Jim eating lunch when he is hungry in the afternoon C. Jim running a marathon for fun D. Jim taking a smoke break after he has been at work for an hour 12. Alan is writing some training objectives for a new leadership development program he’s working on. In which phase of the training model process is Alan working? A. Analysis phase C. Development phase B. Design phase D. Implementation phase 13. In which of the following instances would a job aid or training be an effective solution? A. When there’s a performance gap that isn’t worth fixing B. When there’s a performance gap that’s worth fixing that’s caused by inadequate feedback C. When there’s a performance gap that’s worth fixing that’s caused by a KSA deficiency D. When there’s a performance gap that’s worth fixing that’s caused by obstacles in the system 14. Which of the following cognitive processes is most influenced by the external environment? A. Motivation C. Retention B. Attention D. Behavioral reproduction 15. Which of the following is an example of a reactive strategy? A. Training employees in the procedures of different departments so they can fill in for sick employees if the need arises B. Training line managers on how to more effectively train their employees so the organization can benefit from the constant training of their employees C. Having employees attend workplace safety training after they’ve been injured on the job D. Offering a three-day employee orientation program so new hires can ease into their new environment to increase employee retention 16. Which of the following scenarios depicts a time when training needs analysis would not be necessary? A. A company wants to implement safety training to comply with a new Occupational Safety and Health Administration law. B. A company is considering a new-hire orientation to help reduce high turnover rates for their new employees. C. A company wants to cross-train their employees in different departments so that the employees can be more productive. D. A company wants to send their sales force to a four-day seminar on selling skills. 17. Kim is a training manager for Kastin Auto Manufacturers. She is currently working on a training needs analysis for the manufacturing employees. She just finished a project where she outlined all of the tasks that are performed during each stage of the manu¬facturing process. What kind of analysis has Kim performed? A. Organizational C. Person B. Operational D. Performance 18. Melissa hasn’t made her sales numbers for the past seven months. Her supervisor has taken away her company car until she can exceed her sales goals for at least one month. Melissa’s supervisor is using _____ to encourage Melissa to exceed her sales goals. A. operant conditioning C. classical conditioning B. negative reinforcement ; D. extinction 19. How would an employee who deals with non-routine technology be described? A. Possesses a great deal of training and decision-making power B. Possesses very little training and decision making-power C. Follows detailed instructions that were easy to memorize D. Exercises little control over the outcome of the work 20. The servers at Sarah’s Beef and Brew are supposed to enter their orders into the computer no more than two minutes after they’re taken. The servers, on average, have been entering their orders four minutes after they’ve been taken. What is the difference between the time entries an example of? A. A triggering event B. Expected organizational performance C. A performance gap D. An instructional strategy

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