Posted: September 16th, 2017

Middle Class in the Arab Region

Middle Class in the Arab Region

Develop these 4 topics so I can take the approval of my tutor on their content and proceed along with writing them into big chapters. Thank you. If it is also possible

to send me chapters as soon as they are ready, even if it is one before the other just to read them along. Thank you so much.

Chapter two of the Report will deal with issues on measuring the middle class. In doing so, this chapter will review different definitions before justifying why we are

focusing on the economic (money metric) definition. Having reviewed the literature on economic definitions of the middle class, this chapter will present and justify a

new proposed methodology to measure the middle class, which is more suitable to the Arab region. It will propose that the middle class is those between the upper

poverty threshold and the 90th percentile income.

The chapter 3 will use the proposed new methodology to present the international comparisons of the middle class. It will be able to compare between different money

metric measures of middle class and quantify their size and growth over the last three decades. It will show that the middle class size in the Arab region has declined


Applying the new method to quantify the middle class, the chapter 4 will provide a profile of the middle class in a number of Arab countries based on an analysis of

household survey data. It will show the various socio-economic characteristics of the middle class, such as demographic characteristics including household size, age

of head of household, percentage of youth, household assets value, average expenditure, gini/inequality in expenditure, highest level of education in the household,

location – rural, urban. It will also show which are the middle class occupations, and education levels.

Chapter 7 will discuss the political mobilization and the politics of the middle class in the Arab region. It will show how the Arab middle class can be an agent for

political transformation. It will investigate if the middle class was politically empowered.


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