Posted: September 13th, 2017

MKT 657 Individual Project 5

APresenting your Plan

Presenting to a management team or client is a skill that marketing professionals need to master. Multimedia presentations are the norm today. It is necessary to change the tone of your U4 IP into presentation style language. Select the content from U4 IP that is necessary to highlight the launch of your product/service.

Presentation Script

Create a script to accompany the presentation. It should be persuasive and targeted to a business clientele.
This part of the Individual Project should at least 2-3 pages in length (single spaced).

PowerPoint Presentation

Create a professional PowerPoint. You will be assessed on the design of the presentation (including colors, backgrounds, professionalism, font, graphics). Optional content: Sound, videos, animation.
This part of the Individual Project should be at least 15 slides.

Please submit your assignment.

Two files will need to be uploaded.

SCRIPT: A Word document using the attached TEMPLATE (I will attach).
POWERPOINT Presentation

I am not sure my paying stuff is right, so please let me know how much more I need to pay for the powerpoint

For references please use the UH library. user name is msilva8 and password is 123aBc76!

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