Posted: January 20th, 2015

mod1 Case Assignment-INTRO HLTH STATS

mod1 Case Assignment-INTRO HLTH STATS

Requirements for all BSHS Papers  • Before you begin: Refer to the grading

Rubrics linked under Assessments to see what you will be graded on. Review the

TUI Writing Style Guide under the My Resources tab on the TLC home page.
• Cover page: Include the assignment’s actual questions or tasks on the cover

page (just paste them from the module). On every cover page for every BSHS

course, include your name; class; module & assignment; professor’s name; date;

and the assignment’s actual questions or task. Papers that do not meet this

requirement will not be accepted.
• Writing style and formatting:  ? Use a 1-inch margin and a double-spaced 12

point Times New Roman font. ? Because scholarly academic work builds on previous

knowledge and recognizes the contributions that others have made to knowledge,

be sure to support your statements with evidence, not simply your opinion or

feelings.  ? Each idea, point, or statement of fact that is not common knowledge

must be supported by citations and references. ? Academic papers should have at

least 2, preferably 3 or more, scholarly and professional references (unless

otherwise noted in the instructions and expectations for the assignment).
• Include in-text citations AND a reference list for each paper. That means you

have to cite the source of the information within the body of the paper like

this (Author’s last name, Year) and include a properly formatted reference list

at the end of the paper (not just a list of links).

? To make sure you understand how to properly cite sources and create a

reference list, review &
? Not citing in-text references and including a reference list is considered

plagiarism. Read the policy on Academic Integrity in the University Catalog –

Policy Handbook.
• Use your own words (not quotes). Use your own words, but cite sources to

support facts and ideas. Demonstrate that you understand and have synthesized

the ideas presented in your papers. ? Using quotes shows that you can find

information. It does not show me what you understand.  ? Review the ENG095

workshop available under the My Resources tab on the TLC home page


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