Posted: September 16th, 2017

MODEL, Part 2: Pattern, Design, and Strategy

MODEL, Part 2: Pattern, Design, and Strategy

Order Description

GOAL: Build on your work with your business model canvas by discussing the patterns, the design, and the overall business strategy that it illustrates.

Introduction: Using the Osterwalder and Pigneur text as a resource (coupled with the other resources of the course), examine and discuss the observable patterns, designs, and strategies seen in your business model. You should also integrate metaphors (Morgan?s) and framing (Bolman & Deal) into the discussion of your organization/business. This paper will serve as an investigative tool to inform you further about your business model so that you will be prepared to comprehensively diagnose/assess your model and propose recommendations in your final project for the course. You could say that this week?s work lays the groundwork for moving into the substantive diagnosis and assessment expected in your final paper. You may also benefit from conducting an Internet search of the Business Model Canvas to become comfortable with how it works, particularly in the investigation of patterns, design, and strategy. There are also various YouTube-type videos on the web that demonstrate the use of the canvas for this phase of your work with your canvas.

Instructions: Write a 600-750 word paper that presents your conclusions about the pattern(s), design(s), and overall business strategy depicted by your canvas. Metaphoric and framing applications should also be discussed. The paper should be written in third person and is not reflective (first person not acceptable). A title page and references page with a minimum of three sources is required (no abstract needed).

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