Posted: August 8th, 2013

modern society

Can you please look at the order description i will provide everything there.
Assignment ? Two Short Essays.
You must write two separate essays. The first one will be answering a compulsory question 1 and the other will be answering compulsory question 2 . Each essay must be 750 words (1500 words total) (+/-10%)
Please answer the following compulsory essay question (750 words):
Choose a health related issue that you, personally, would like to improve. Briefly explain your situation and use research to explain why change is needed in this area and strategies for change
(I would like to choose sleep) explain why change is needed/why it is important for you to improve this issue).
Please answer the following compulsory essay question (750 words):
Choose a psychosocial issue present in modern society. Discuss the health risks associated with it and provide some suggestions for managing the issue.
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