Posted: November 24th, 2014

Mohandas K. Gandhi, "Indian Home Rule"

Mohandas K. Gandhi, “Indian Home Rule

Order Description

This paper is for a World History class.
Analyze one of the following primary source documents. Discuss the meaning and siguificance
of this document in the larger context of the themes and historical developments we have studied in class. The document I chose was Gandhi’s “Indian Home Rule”.
In your analysis, consider how the following questions affect the meaning of the document:
Content: What is the main idea?
Context: What was happening in the world, region, country, or community when this was
created? Who is the author? What else do you know about the author? When and where was the document written?
Genre: What type of document is this?
Communication: Who seems to be the intended audience? What is the author’s point of view or
bias? Why was the document written?
conclusions: How does this document help us understand history?
The paper should be double-spaced, have 1″ margins, and 12 pt. font.
The paper must use at least 1 outside source (in addition to the textbook or lectures). Sources
can include books, scholarly journal articles, and reputable newspaper and news magazine
articles. The paper must have proper citations and include a list of references at the end (more
information below).
Writing guidelines: The paper should have a clear thesis in the introductory paragraph’ build the
argument throughout the paragraphs in the rest of the paper, and include a conclusion’ Your
pup., will be graded on the clarity and persuasiveness of your argument, organization, grammar and citations.
The introduction should briefly introduce the source and topic of the analysis’ and then lay out a clear thesis. The thesis is your argument that will you spend the rest of the paper proving with
Supporting Paragraphs
The body of the paper should support your thesis. Each paragraph should have a clear topic
sentence with a main idea. The rest of the paragraph then develops that idea by presenting a close and critical analysis of the primary document, supported by information from the textbook’
lecture notes, and additional sources’
The conclusion should provide a restatement of your argument and then briefly explain how this
document helps us understand history’
Sources and Citations
Be sure to use proper citations throughout your paper. You must provide citations for direct
quotes and for ideas that are paraphrased (even from the textbook or notes). paraphrasing means
putting someone else’s ideas in your own words. Since you are being graded on the quality of
your analysis, please do not use too many direct quotes. If you are unsure of how you ale using
citations, please ask me. Not properly citing an idea is a form of plagiarism’
You can use any standard forrnat: MLA, APA, Chicago, etc’ If you want to make it simple’ use
in-text parentheticuf”it tioor: provide the source and page number (page number only if using a
direct quote or specific idea)’
Examples: Lamy et al. (2013,-28) write, ” The history of international relations”.
Wendt (1992) explains in his article on anarchy”.
One view on the Security Council asserts that the “experiment has failed”
(Glennon 2003,24)’


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