Posted: September 16th, 2017

moments when callers (or the host/hostess) tell a story. paper explaining what type of talk-radio program you are using, and what the topic of discussion is that applies to the story you have decided to analyze. Discuss what function (or functions) the narrative serves?

moments when callers (or the host/hostess) tell a story.  paper explaining what type of talk-radio program you are using, and what the topic of discussion is that applies to the story you have decided to analyze. Discuss what function (or functions) the narrative serves?

If the story made an argument, say what the argument was.
If the story was performing a speech act, say what the speech act was.
If the story presented the teller in a certain way, explain what type of self was presented.
If the story was doing relational work, explain how the teller was altercasting the other.
If the story positioned the teller in an on-going conflict, explain what the conflict was and what the teller’s position was?
If the story expressed a morally questionable or devalued viewpoint, explain what that viewpoint was.
Be sure to also describe how the person told the story, and what features of the telling brought you to your conclusion about its function(s

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