Posted: February 20th, 2015


Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements



Please note that, you are expected to sue relevant peer-reviewed literature to demonstrate your appreciation of current theory, and refer to real-world case studies to compare theory with practice. You are expected to deliver informed insights into contemporary project management and usable recommendation for practitioners. Please ensure that you use a sufficient number of academic sources to demonstrate your appreciation of this topic, and real world examples to illustrate particular points. You have to answer in a maximum of 2000 words maximum, excluding references.

Q: Critically discuss:

A: The reasons behind project failures

B: The steps project managers can take to mitigate risks in projects (include definition of risk management)


General Instructions:

  • References 20 – 25
  • 2000 words
  • Harvard style
  • In part A, you need to ensure the following is part of your discussions:
  • Definition of project management
  • Projects must reflect strategy of the organization: vision, mission, strategy, tactics
  • Types of organizational structures: is it supporting the strategy of the company?
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Culture (Hofested)
  • Knowledge
  • Using PQM (process quality management)
  • Include an article (getting things done) as a reference
  • Using case studies as reference

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