Posted: September 16th, 2017

Most state governors in the US have the "line-item veto," the power to strike out specific provisions of a bill before it becomes law, meaning that those eliminated sections are not part of the law. Should the US President have this power? Explain your position.

Most state governors in the US have the “line-item veto,” the power to strike out specific provisions of a bill before it becomes law, meaning that those eliminated sections are not part of the law. Should the US President have this power? Explain your position.

Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”


Unit V Discussion Board

How important do you think local (as compared with state and national) governments are in the lives of citizens? Explain your answer, using examples to illustrate.

Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”

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