Posted: January 13th, 2015

Motivation in the Workplace

Motivation in the Workplace

Order Description

• This Assignment is worth 60% of the overall mark for this module.
• For this essay you need to answer the question set out below.
• Your essay should be 1500 words in length.
• The aim of this assignment is to test your ability to apply theory to the context of a specific business situation.
• The deadline for this piece of work is Monday 19th of January 2015 before 2 pm.
• Essays must be formally submitted to student services before the deadline.
• Each piece of assessment submitted to student services must have a completed and signed submission form attached.
Work submitted after this date will be subject to GIC rules for late submission.

Essay Question:
Productivity depends on levels of motivation however motivating the workforce is complex, difficult and critical for organisational success.
Using theories of motivation, explain how managers in organisations can maintain and improve employee motivation at work. Select three organisations and use these to demonstrate how the above can be achieved.

Many possible points can be discussed, including the following
• A job will be motivating only if it leads to rewards which the individual values
• Rewards motivate high performance when the link between effort and reward is clear
• Hygiene factors can overcome dissatisfaction but do not necessarily lead to motivation
• Content factors lead to job satisfaction, motivation and high performance
• Jobs can be enriched by applying vertical job loading factors
• The motivating potential of a job can be increased by improving skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy and feedback
• Etc.

Recommended Reading (to support your assignment): Refer to relevant chapters as indicated in your module guide.

Antony, F. And MacVicar, A. (2011), Contemporary Organisational Behaviour, McGraw Hill.
Huczynski, A. and Buchanan, D. (2010) Organisational Behaviour, 7th edition, FT. UK Prentice Hall, Harlow
Mullins, L.J. (2005) Management and Organisational Behaviour, FT. UK: Prentice Hall. Harlow
Jones, G. and George, J.(2007) Contemporary Manangement,McGraw-Hill
Academy of Management Journal
British Journal of Management
European Management Journal
Harvard Business Review* (an excellent place to seek out topics)
Human Resource Management Journal
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Organizational Behaviour

Hints and Tips
1. The most important thing you must do in completing this assignment is to make sure that you answer the task that has been set.
2. Ensure that you remain within the word limits given for the essay. The word limit is to test whether you can write concisely, thereby getting all the main points down without wandering ‘off-topic’.
3. You should think very carefully about the resources you use for this assessment. Make sure that all the research you do is from academic sources. Academic sources are things like textbooks, journals and e-journals. Everything you read in an academic source will have been peer-reviewed which means that experts in the field will have seen it and agree that the ideas are reasonable and accurate. Web sites such as Wikipedia are not peer reviewed and therefore do not count as academic sources.

4. At the end of your assessment, you should list out all books to which you have referred in your work using the Harvard style. Your list should be alphabetical by author and list out the author(s)’s surname, first name, date of publication, title of book, publisher of book and the place of the book’s publication. Examples can be found in the referencing guide that has been uploaded on the VLE. If you have used internet sources, you should give the author(s)’s name, title of web page, the full internet address of the page(s) you have used and the date(s) that they were accessed. Poorly referenced work will be penalised as the quality of referencing is part of the marking scheme (criterion).

5. You should not copy text from a book, another person’s work or internet sites and imply that it is your own work. This is known as plagiarism and is an academic offence. Plagiarism is the word academics use for ‘copying’. If you want to quote directly from a book, you should indicate that it is a quote (by using quotation marks “…”) and the name of the author whose work you have cited in the main body of your assignment. You should avoid excessive use of quotes as the work you submit must be your own – not simply a collection of quotes!

6. Your essay must be word-processed, using 1.5 or double spacing and a 12 font size. Always leave a margin so that I have space to insert any comments I would like to make as I am reading your work.

7. When you hand your work in, please ensure that all the pages are stapled together in the correct order and that pages are numbered. You should keep a copy of your work, as I will retain the copy you submit.

8. The marking scheme that we use in the UK may be different from that which you are familiar with in your home countries. The pass mark for this assignment is equivalent to 40%. This means that you have just succeeded in meeting the criteria set out in the document which details the marking criteria. This has been uploaded on the VLE. An ‘average’ mark is equivalent to 50-55%. A good mark is equivalent to 60% and above, with marks equivalent to over 70% being deemed to be of excellent quality. Do not expect to get mark equivalent to 90-100% as a matter of course. Scores such as these would be for work of the most exceptional quality.

Generic Submission Guidelines:
1. Use a standard academic font, size 12 and use 1.5 spacing between lines.
2. Each page of your assignment should have a header with your student ID number, module code (e.g. FC043) and the name of your class tutor. Do not write your name.
3. All pages should be numbered.
4. Staple all pages together.
5. Include a title page consisting of the following information:

• Module Code (e.g. PM5042T)
• Class/Group: (e.g. Group A, Class 1)
• Module Title (e.g. Research Project)
• Assessment Title (e.g. literature review, Project Report etc)
• Assignment Title: (e.g. Add in your Research Title)
• Tutor Name: (name of tutor)
• Student ID Number: (please add your ID number only and NOT your name)
• Date of Submission: (date)

You may be penalised according to the GIC Assessment Rules if:
• You write an essay that is above or below the stated word limit by more than 20%
The mark awarded for this assessment shall be capped at 50% if the submission exceeds or falls short of the required word length by more than twenty percent but less than fifty percent. If the word length is exceeded or missed by more than fifty percent, it shall be capped at 40%. To calculate specific word length, all text in reference lists and appendices should be excluded. You MUST include a word count at the end of your assignment.

• You hand in your assignment later than the stated deadline. You must submit work for assessment by the stated deadline. If you do not, the following penalties for written work will apply:
(Unless there are valid reasons for the lateness (e.g. illness) and this is supported with an EEC form and evidence)

Number of Working Days Late Penalty Awarded
1 85% of original mark
2 80% of original mark
3 75% of original mark
More than 3 Zero mark awarded

• Any part of your work is found to have been directly copied from a source (e.g. a book, another student’s essay, an internet website) without the appropriate referencing convention
Please be reminded that this must be written by you. If the level and sophistication of your language is considerably higher than other pieces of written work you have produced, it will be assumed that you were given unfair assistance and you will either be penalised for plagiarism or receive no credit for clarity of expression.
Please note that the following examples of collusion are considered as academic misconduct and, in the absence of hard evidence, you may be asked to attend a meeting to discuss your understanding of the work. If you do not attend such a meeting, tutors may use academic judgement to determine whether or not an offence has taken place.
Examples include a situation where a student:

a. intentionally submits as entirely his or her own work, an essay or report written by another person.
b. permits another candidate to copy all or part of their own work, knowing it is to be submitted as that other candidate’s own work;
c. allows another person to re-write large sections of the students’ work.
Submission Deadline and procedure: Submit TWO copies of your assignment to Student Services with one completed front cover sheet by Monday 19th of January before 2 pm.
You will also need to submit an electronic version of your assignment to Turnitin on the same day.
Failure to submit through Turnitin on time will result in a deduction of 10% from your mark. If your online submission is later than one working week from the required submission date you will receive a mark of ZERO for this assignment. The online submission MUST be identical to the paper submission or there will be 25% deduction from the final assignment score. Students are required to report any technical difficulties to the class tutor and to send an e-copy direct to the class tutor if necessary.


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