Posted: September 14th, 2017

Movies review: Sopthocles’ Oedipus the king , film by pasolini

Movies are: Sopthocles’ Oedipus the king , film by pasolini ( on YouTube)

Moliere’s Tartffe, film by Royal Shakespeare company

Miller’s Death of the salesman ,CBS, with dustin Hoffman and John Malkovich (available on

Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya, movie (Vanya on 42nd street by Louis Malle, available on amazon insta video)

Plays are:

Everyman by Anonymous

Fences by August Wilson

The essay should contain 3 parts

1. You need to identify the purpose of the playwright what is the playwrights trying to do? With evidence from

the play and the movie.

2. How’s the film compare to the play. What’s the directors/movies approach. The intent of the film maker Sound,


3. Once you Identify the purpose of the playwright and the film maker attempt, you should know who they are (Info

available on line)
How do I respond to the play? What do i think about the play/ movie?

Please, try to make the papers simple and light. The papers should reflect a simple audience opinion and NOT a

scholar or a professional opinion. One example for each part is enough.

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