Posted: April 28th, 2015

Mozart K.545-Recapitulations that Begin not in the tonic key.

Mozart K.545-Recapitulations that Begin not in the tonic key.

Order Description

1. Title: Recapitulations that Begin in IV-Mozart K.545.
First paragraph: Thesis- The interesting thing about this piece is the subdominant return poses the same problem for each: the main motive(the first theme) is easily identified as such, but can it legitimately be called a “recapitulation” or “reprise”, as it occurs in a key other than the tonic? (plz rewrite ?, half of page)

2. Brief background

Place your chosen work chosen it in its chronological/historic and stylistic context. (NO MORE THAN 1 PAGE)
3. Theoretical Background

Outline the theoretical point(s) of reference for your analysis:

You can talk about Franceco Galeazzi (in the document K.545 recapitulations.pdf, at page2, already highlighted, must attend in the paper)

4. use the documents I provide : K.545 recapitulations.pdf and recapitulations that begin in IV.pdf. For those thing I already HILIGHTED in the document I provide you MUST REWRITE IN THE EASSY.(AT LEAST 2 or 3 page. )

5. you must talk about the musical form:
for example: The Exposition’s first theme is from measure 1 to 13. End with a P.A.C. and the second theme is from measure 14 to 28 and closing with a P.A.C. etc….(u must talk through this pic, use this pic in my paper as an musical diagram.)

6. Must use musical example, you can find in this website, must rewrite the websits. (the rest of the page)
7.. Must use Chicago format!!!

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