Posted: August 25th, 2013

multiculturalism and diversity

an article from one scholarly, peer-reviewed journal and one book that address multiculturalism and diversity at higher education institutions.
Prepare a short review (approximately 550 to 900 words) that includes:
1. APA citation of each resource.
2. A brief overview of each resource, including author’s credentials, populations/technologies/theories discussed, research design, findings, etc.
3. Your assessment of the resource:
• What conclusions did the author draw?
• Do you agree with the author’s conclusions?
• What additional questions do you have about this topic?
• How would you gauge the strengths and weaknesses of the resource?
Please use information and materials you have learned in this course about multiculturalism and diversity to support your assessment.
This Assignment addresses the following unit learning outcome:
• Critique scholarly resources related to multiculturalism and diversity

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