Posted: May 22nd, 2015

Multimodal Curricular Unit

Study Books Used in Class:
Fogarty, R. & Pete, B. (2011) Supporting Differentiated Instruction: A Professional
Learning Communities Approach. Solution Tree Press. Bloomington, IN.
Using the Solution Tree template “Multimodal Curriculum Unit Template” (, design a curriculum unit that includes the following components:

State Standards: Use California State Content Standards grade 6 history (You can find the California State Content Standards for Grade 6 history by typing it in search engine- google or yahoo)
Big Ideas/Tagline
Essential Questions
For the multimodal component of this assignment, you will develop activities that align with the eight multiple intelligences (verbal, visual, interpersonal, mathematical, musical, naturalist, and bodily). Activities should be described in short phrases that provide context for how it relates to the topic of the unit. You must include whether each differentiated activity is by content (c), process (p), or product (pr) by putting the indicated abbreviation after it. For example, if the unit activity is “mock interview with an expert in the field of geology”, you would indicate that this is a differentiated strategy for product (pr).

After creating the multimodal unit, provide a one-page narrative on the power of PLCs in improving teaching and learning in schools through focusing on differentiated instruction. Use at least two sources, in addition to the textbook, and submit the paper in APA format (including all citations and references).

Designs a curriculum unit including the following components:
? Grade
? Subject
? Topic
? State Standards
? Big Ideas/Tagline
? Essential Questions
Includes six- to- nine specific activities that align with each of the eight multiple intelligence areas (verbal, visual, interpersonal, mathematical, musical, naturalist, and bodily). Activities should be described in short phrases that provide context for how it relates to the topic of the unit. Specifies each differentiated activity as either content (c), process (p), or product (pr).

Provides a one-page narrative on the power of PLCs in improving teaching and learning in schools through focusing on differentiated instruction.

Writing Skills
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct.

Research Criteria
Uses at least two additional resources outside of the textbook.

Style Criteria
The template provided is used and organized in a clear manner. Title and reference pages are included.

Paper is properly formatted in APA style with proper citations.
Use the study book provided please and thank you!!

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