Posted: September 13th, 2017

music programs need to make it back into schools

music programs need to make it back into schools
Please read the paper instructions in the attachment before continuing on with rest of the following instructions.

I would preferably like the essay to follow the guidance of the following issues and enthymeme, but give the writer the freedom modify and develop like issues and enthymeme.
Issue: Music programs are being victimized by budget cuts and the creativity and academia of the US nations youth is being inhibited.

Enthymeme: Proponents of restoring full-time music programs in schools across the nation should initiate a course of action to reastablish music programs in the schools of their local communities because success will provide a model on defeating budget cuts and provide Americas children with a complete academic experience.

Final Essay
Research/Educational Issues 3-4 pages, 5 pts Revisions Drafts, 20 points Final Draft

Our final essay will be an examination of any issue in education. What problems do you see around you? What discourse communities are affected? This is an extremely broad topic. Part of the assignment will therefore consist of narrowing down your focus. You must therefore apply the Rogerian concept of “Argument as Inquiry”. To accomplish this, you will include at least two sources from academic sites to support your stance.

The purpose of this assignment is to show mastery of the techniques related to the creation of an argumentative essay as put forth in this course. Therefore, you will:

? Review all exercises, chapter readings, and course lecture notes. This is key!
? Create an outline to follow for your essay.
? Participate in all discussions regarding educational issues in order to begin to formulate a stance to explore.
? Create a Rogerian essay.
? Apply critical thinking/analysis throughout.

Please be aware that you are inquiring into your topic for the discourse community in part to offer a solution or raise awareness. This community will include, but not necessarily be limited to, this classroom.
? Precisely identify the issue you have chosen in the Proposal Paragraph.
? Analyze the issue in full using the techniques of critical thinking that involve checking for true or false premises, looking at the benefits or harm to the discourse community involved in your question at issue, examining assumptions, looking for moral, immoral, and amoral reasoning, and avoiding or bringing to light any fallacies present.
? Be Rogerian.
? Refer to Final Essay Score Sheet for more clarification. You will use this for editing, and also receive your grade in this format.
? Be at least four pages in length.



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