Posted: December 3rd, 2013

Music Theory

3. If the key signature is one sharp and the final tonic chord is C major, what is the
mode of the piece?
4. Construct the different types of seventh chords below, all on C-sharp in root
position. Include labels, and include chord symbols if you like.
5. Using the staff below, illustrate how a dominant 7th chord can be used as a
German 6th
This can be done simply through just chord spelling, or more elaborately by
providing a context. In any case, demonstrate that you understand the concept.
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6. Analyze the following Beethoven reduction, using Roman numerals beneath the
staff. The key is F major.
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7. The following chorale tjesu der du meine Seele) is in Gminor. There are three
modulations-the first to F major, then to B-flat major, then finally the return to
Gminor. Locate each modulation, identify the type of modulation, and analyze
the harmonies involved in the modulation.

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