Posted: September 16th, 2017

Myocardial ß2-adrenoceptor gene delivery promotes coordinated cardiac adaptive remodelling and angiogenesis in heart failure

Myocardial ß2-adrenoceptor gene delivery promotes coordinated cardiac adaptive remodelling and angiogenesis in heart failure

summarize and critiquing the following scientific paper, in terms of it both its merits and flaws. Marking Scheme: Well organised and well expressed answer which shows very good understanding, evidence of independent study and critical evaluation.  Covers all aspects of the subject that could reasonably be expected, accurately and in sufficient detail.

Myocardial ß2-adrenoceptor gene delivery promotes coordinated cardiac adaptive remodelling and angiogenesis in heart failure

We investigated whether b2-adrenoceptor overexpression could promote angiogenesis and improve blood perfusion and left
ventricular (LV) remodeling of the failing heart.
We explored the angiogenic effects of b2-adrenoceptor overexpression in a rat model of post-myocardial infarction (MI) heart
failure (HF). Cardiac adenoviral-mediated b2-adrenoceptor overexpression was obtained via direct intramyocardial injection
4-weeks post-MI. Adenovirus(Ad)-GFP and saline injected rats served as controls. Furthermore, we extended our observation
to b2-adrenoceptor -/- mice undergoing MI.

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