Posted: September 16th, 2017

natural learning environments

natural learning environments

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answer the 10 questions that I attached:

1-Our course has emphasized the importance of students learning skills in “natural learning environments.” If an objective for Jason, who has the IDD diagnosis, is for him to learn and use “polite” words appropriately (i.e., please and thank you) – in what two, separate school-based places could Jason demonstrate his fulfillment of that objective? Provide two separate examples of Jason implementing the skill in natural, school-based learning environments.

2- When students with significant disabilities and their family members are invited to the “transition planning” meetings with school personnel, what are two reasons that justify why they (student and family) should be considered and treated as equal and collaborative partners in that process?

3- Considering what we learned about why students with significant disabilities use assistive technology less than students with mild disabilities (i.e., LD in reading): what assistive technological device would you like to create and avail to students with severe IDD – that they’d want to use for learning skills? Why and how would they use that device?

4- Our course has emphasized the importance of individuals with severe disabilities participating in recreational activities. What specific recreational activity would you design for an individual with limited cognitive and verbal skills who otherwise demonstrates average age-level physical mobility? Why would that activity be important for the individual to learn and practice?

5- Based upon what was presented in our textbook regarding students learning personal self-care skills – what are two reasons why parents of students with IDD prefer that teachers focus less on teaching their children self-care skills, and emphasize more the skills related to social relations and friendship making?

6- In a school or clinical setting, if you are with an individual who is experiencing a seizure, what 3-4 steps do you activate at the scene in order to ensure that individual’s safety?

7- Mr. Helms, the classroom teacher, has watched his 2nd grade student Phil working with a visiting physical therapist (PT) for 30 minutes each week. Among key tasks that Phil
performs for the PT are simple balance exercises. The PT encouraged Mr. Helms to monitor Phil’s practice of those balance exercises at different times during the schoolday.
Would you consider this balance reinforcement approach for Phil as “transdisciplinary?” Why would the PT ask Mr. Helms to do her job?

8- Offer your own example of an embedded-functional instructional activity for a student with severe disabilities to learn and practice.

9- We’ve learned that it’s advantageous for students with disabilities to receive instruction in community settings. What two IEP skills would you want three high school students with disabilities to learn and practice on a schoolday outing to a nearby public park?

10- We learned about the benefits to schools when they build alliances with businesses. If you were building an alliance between your school and a local business:
a) From what business would your school solicit support or collaboration? and
b) for what two specific reasons would that alliance benefit your students?

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