Posted: September 13th, 2017


You will select a historical or current international security treaty to describe and analyze the effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty as it relates to homeland security and international security cooperation. The final project will be a 14- to 16-page paper using the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) and covering the following major topics:

  • history of the      treaty, including identification and analysis of the forces and events      that brought about the treaty
  • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty


  • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty in relation to the current security of the United States


  • future of the treaty (i.e., will it be enforceable, will it be necessary, etc.)


  • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty in relation to the future security of the United States


  • recommendations for changing the treaty to what best benefits the international community and the United States


  • The terms effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty come to mind. Somehow, we should incorporate that we want students to analyze the effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty as it relates to homeland security and international cooperation.
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