Posted: March 8th, 2016

The Nixon Doctrine suggested that:

___ The Nixon Doctrine suggested that:
a. Nations who engaged in containment supported United States goals
b. Enemies would face nuclear destruction
c. The United States would tolerate the growth of communism
d. The United States and its allies would go to war with the Soviet Union

__ Nixon and George Wallace both attempted to appeal to:
a. Senior citizens
b. The liberal minded
c. The white working class
d. The unemployed

___ Foreign policy during the Nixon administration:
a. Reconciliation with Cuba
b. Victory in Vietnam
c. Improving relations with China
d. Sealed the border with Mexico

___How did US involvement in Vietnam end?
a. Student protests
b. A treaty with North Vietnam that negotiated the withdrawal of US troops
c. An international peace conference in which other countries demanded the withdrawal of US forces
d. When Kennedy took office, he promised the American people that the war would end

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