Posted: September 13th, 2017

Numerical Method Assignment

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Assignment 4 for MATH 3242/CSE 3122
Winter Term 2014/2015
Solutions of Nonlinear system & Approximating Eigenvalues.
Read Sections 9.1 – 9.6 of “Numerical Analysis” (9th ed.) by Burden/Faires.
1. Burden/Faires p. 568, Use the G – Circle theorem to determine bounds of for eigenvalues
of no. 4. (d).
2. Burden/Faires p. 590, no. 1 (b) for finding µ
(2) and ~x
(2), no. 6 (b) for finding and µ
and ~x
3. Burden/Faires p. 600, no. 1 (c).
4. Burden/Faires p. 591, answer no. 9 (d) with T OL = 10−5 by using the Inverse Power
Method (alg093) with different initial guess ~x(0) (at least four guesses). What are your
approximations of eigenvalues that you found?
Instructions for completing Assignment 4:
(1) Please make sure that you hand in the results with necessary intermediate steps and
explanations of your results.
(2) Question 4 should be solved by using computer. For other questions, you can solve either
manually or using computer.
(3) Besides of all results, you also need hand in a copy of your running procedures when you
use computer to solve questions.

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