Posted: February 20th, 2015

NURS 6260: Coaching I – Foundations of Nurse Coaching (3 Credits)

NURS 6260: Coaching I – Foundations of Nurse Coaching (3 Credits)

Course description: Nurse coaching methodology and competencies will be introduced and leadership and therapeutic relationship skills will be enhanced. The course

begins with the student gaining self-awareness, as nurse coaching requires willingness to model self-development and full presence with others.  The coaching

methodology will be thoroughly explored, applied and practiced with live demonstrations, peers and practice clients. The theory and meta-science fundamental to each

coaching skill will be integrated. Foundational skills will include assessing readiness for change, building trust and warmth, obtaining and holding the clients

agenda, visioning, raising awareness techniques, brainstorming and goal setting.

Course Instructor

Course Objectives
1.    Demonstrate the techniques and processes for establishing trust and building rapport within a  therapeutic relationship
2.    Apply the coaching methodology using a variety of coaching skills within therapeutic client relationships.
3.    Facilitate goal setting including assessing self-efficacy and building accountability.

Prerequisites    None

Required Texts:
1.    Kimsey-House, H., Kimsey-House, K., Sandahl, P. & Whitworth, L. (2011). Coactive coaching: Changing business, transforming lives (3rd edition).  Boston:

Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
2.    Moore, M. & Tschannen-Moran, B. (2010). Coaching psychology manual. Baltimore: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins.

•    Baumeister, R. & Tierney, J.  (2011).  Willpower: Rediscovering the greatest human strength. New York: Penguin Press.
•    Dossey, B. & Keegan L. (eds.)  (2013). Holistic nursing:  A handbook for practice (6th edition). Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
•    Hess, D., Dossey, B., Southard, M., Luck, S. Schaub, B., Bark, L. (2013).  The art and science of nurse coaching: The providers guide to coaching scope and

competencies.  Washington, DC: ANA: Author.
•    Luck, S. (2010). Changing the health of our nation: The role of nurse coaches. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 16(5). 78-80.
•    Rollnick, S., Miller, W. & Butler, C. (2008). Motivational interviewing in health care. Helping patients change behavior.  New York: The Guilford Press.
•    Peterson, C. (2006). A Primer in Positive Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
•    Prochasca & DiClemente (1984). The transtheoretical approach: Crossing traditional boundaries of therapy. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin.
•    Seligman, M. (2011). Flourish. New York: Free Press.

Course Requirements

Components of the Final Grade
Reflective Paper on Personal Strengths     20
Vision paper     10
Coaching client paper     20
Cumulative Final Exam    40
Participation      10
Total    100

Grading Scale
Numeric Average    Grade    GPA
93-100    A    4.0
90-92    A-    3.7
87-89    B+    3.3
83-86    B    3.0
80-82    B-    2.7
77-79    C+    2.3
73-76    C    2.0
70-72    C-    1.7
0-69    F    0

Due Dates/Policy for Late Assignments
•    Assignments must be submitted in Blackboard by 11:59 pm EDT on the date they are due.
•    If you have an emergency that interferes with your ability to submit an assignment, please contact the faculty member assigned to your section via email prior

to the date the assignment is due.
•    Unexcused late assignments will be penalized:  For weekly discussions and webinars, 3.3 points will be deducted. For project submissions on 30- and 20-point

projects, ten (10) points will be deducted. For 5-point projects, two (2) points will be deducted.

Communication and Feedback
•    If you have questions or other concerns, please contact the faculty assigned to your course via email. Please see the Faculty Bios tab on your Blackboard

course homepage for a complete listing of faculty who are teaching this course. You may contact the course coordinator if you cannot reach your faculty member. The

contact information for the course coordinator is listed in the Faculty Bios tab on your Blackboard course homepage.
•    Faculty will do their best to respond to emails within 24 – 48 hours.
•    You can expect your grades to be posted within 7 – 10 days of submitting your assignments.

Discussion Participation
•    Interaction and collaboration among instructors and students is essential to the learning process and a key component of this course. Your participation in the

seven (7) class discussions and two (2) webinars is required, and constitutes 30% of the final grade.
•    Please familiarize yourself and follow guidelines for online communication etiquette (“netiquette”). This information is located under the Course Information

tab on the Blackboard course homepage. Additionally, it is referenced in the School of Nursing Virtual Orientation
•    Your participation in class will be evaluated weekly based on the following rubric:
Primary Posting    Responses to Others (2)    APA Format & Timing    Total for Week
Fulfilled Assignment = 2    Fulfilled Assignment = 1    Fulfilled Assignment = .3    3.3
Partially Fulfilled Assignment = 1    Partially Fulfilled Assignment = .3    Partially Fulfilled Assignment = 0    1.3
Did not Fulfill = 0    Did not Fulfill = 0    Did not Fulfill = 0    0

Technical Requirements
•    This course requires you to have basic computer skills, and a working knowledge of the Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, or compatible software products.

For assistance, refer to Microsoft training for Office products.
•    If you are new to distance learning at GW, please familiarize yourself with the Blackboard Learning Environment. Blackboard’s help page for students provides

on-demand training and step-by-step instructions for all features and functions.
•    Be sure to check your computer’s readiness for distance learning, including internet access. It is helpful to anticipate power outages by locating alternate

internet access (such as public libraries, Starbucks, etc.)
•    You will need a camera on your computer, headphones, and speakers or headset for participation in synchronous webinars.

Course Structure
•    This course consists of 10 class sessions and includes a combination of self-directed and interactive learning activities. Additionally, there are two (2)

face-to-face synchronous webinars.
•    The class week begins on Wednesday. The first primary posting is due by 11:59 pm PDT on Saturday and the two responses to your colleagues are to be completed

by Tuesday at 11:59 pm PDT.
•    Learning activities and requirements for each session are detailed in the Weekly Session area of the course homepage on Blackboard.
•    Detailed instructions for all Projects, along with links to submit them, are provided in the Projects: Info & Submit area of the course homepage on Blackboard.

Schedule of classes

Session    Topic
Week 1    Self-awareness:  deploying strengths and coaching presence
Week  2    Client relationships skills
Week  3    The coaching methodology
Week  4    Designing the preferred future (Visioning)
Week  5    Assessing readiness for change
Week  6    Clarifying and holding the agenda
Week  7    Techniques to raise awareness: Part 1 Powerful question and metaview
Week  8    Techniques to raise awareness:  Part 2  Inner critic and metaphor
Week  9    Brainstorming
Week  10    Goal setting
Week  11    Accountability
Week  12    Positive psychology
Week  13    Non-violent communication and motivational interviewing
Week  14    Assessing Balance
Week  15    Integration and Application of the coaching model.

Detailed Session Schedule:

Session    Learning Objectives     Content    Teaching Learning Activities
Week 1
Self awareness:  deploying strengths and coaching presence
(January 12 – 18)

•    Discover self-awareness to fortify authenticity required for non-judgmental listening.
•    Recognize the importance of becoming fully present to the self and client prior to the coaching interaction.     https:/ Moore:  Chapter 1

View 25-minute lecture by Martin Seligman on PERMA (Dimensions of flourishing) discussion on deploying strengths.

View 4 minute story on asking about strengths during a trauma:
•    Conduct the 70-item on line values in Action Survey
•    Discuss how one’s top 5 core strengths are expressed (or not) at home and work.

Week 2
Client Relationships skills
(January 19 – 25)

(1, 2, 3)*
•    Access the client’s subjective experience and internal frame of reference.

•    Recognize incongruities between body language, words used and tone of voice.      Moore: Chapter 2, 11
Kimsey-House: Chapter 2, 3, 5
Listen to 7 minute video on Empathic Listening:
•    Discuss core relationships skills and specific strategies to strengthen therapeutic use of self.
Week 3
The coaching methodology

(January 26 – February 1)

(2)*     •    Identify the key components and sequence of a coaching conversation.
•    Freeze the role of nurse educator to allow the inquiry model of coaching to develop.    Moore: Chapter 3
Kimsey-House:  Chapter 1     •    Compare and contrast coaching model to expert consultation and patient education
Week 4
Designing the preferred future (Visioning)
(February 2 – 8)

(1, 2, 3)*    •    Describe (or apply) techniques to support the client in envisioning their preferred future

Moore: Chapter 8
Kinsey- House: Chapter 6
Listen to an expert coach creating a vision:
•    In pairs, create life vision statements.
Week 5
Assessing readiness for change

(February 9 – 15)

(1, 2, 3)*    •    Assess a client’s readiness for change within the Stages of Change model (Pre-contemplation,  Contemplation, Preparation, Action, Maintenance,

Relapse)    Moore: Chapter 3

View Lecture on the Stages of Change (10 minutes)
View the  20 minute video here:   Listen carefully to the patient for clues as to which

stage she is in.  You will hear ambivalence.    •    Discuss own behavior change goal and identify stage.
•    Reflect on past changes in your life and how the model applies.
Week 6
Clarifying and holding the agenda

(February 16 – 22)

(1, 2)*    •    Ensure the client sets the agenda for the coaching session and hold the client’s agenda throughout the session.
•    Recognize and respect the client as the authority on her or his own health and well-being.    Moore:  Chapter 2, 10     •    Discuss macro and micro

agendas,  what makes an agenda appropriate
•    Develop strategies to clarify and hold the client agenda.
Week 7
Techniques to raise awareness: Part 1: Powerful questions and metaview

(February 23 – March 1)

(1, 2, 3)*    •    Recognize various ways of knowing including intuition, and validate this intuitive knowledge with the client when appropriate.
•    Explore, through powerful questions and feedback, multiple sources of information to assist the client to become more aware of areas for coaching.

Kinsey-House: Chapter 5     •    Discuss the purpose and components of a powerful question
•    Identify five powerful questions to incorporate into coaching practice.
Week 8
Techniques to raise awareness:  Part 2
Inner critic and metaphor

(March 2 – 8)

(1, 2, 3)*    •    Use language, including metaphors to assist the client to explore perspectives, uncertainties, or opportunities for change    1.    Read:

The Inner Critic by Sharon Good
2.    Read: Stopping Your Inner Critic:
3.      Read: Harvard Business Review, How to Manage Inner Critic by Susan David.
•    Practice and discuss inner critic awareness and quarantine strategies.
•    Discuss how metaphors develop and when appropriate to use.

Week 9
(March 9 – 15)
Week 10
Brainstorming/Goal setting

(March 16 -22)

(1, 2, 3)*    •    Provide ongoing support for new ideas, behaviors, and actions that may involve risk-taking and fear of failure and/or fear of success.
•    Identify with the client the next specific action steps and a timeline that will lead to achievement of desired goals.
Kinsey-House: Chapter 10

Moore: Chapter 10 and pp107-117.

Watch Viktor Frankl video on meaning and championing:
•    Discuss appropriate scenarios to use brainstorming.
•    Describe precise brainstorming methodology, practice in pairs. Craft SMART goals with peer coaches.

Week 11
(March 23 – 29)

(1, 2)*    •    Assist the client in managing progress by holding the client accountable for stated actions, results, and related time frames, while maintaining a

positive and trusting relationship with the client.     Moore: Chapter 8     •    Discuss at least 5 different methods that clients can hold themselves

accountable to their SMART goals.
Week 12
Positive psychology
(March 30 – April 5)

(1, 2, 3)*    •    Acknowledge client and identify strengths for change.       View Harvard Video on Positive Psychology (10 minutes)

View animated description of Positive psychology (5 minutes)
Read: Seligeman, M. (1998).  Positive Psychology, Positive Prevention, and Positive Therapy. Book Chapter from The Handbook of Positive Psychology.
Read: The Blue Zones:
•    Discuss the orientation towards learned optimism versus disease/problem focus.
•     Discuss positive psychology interventions for nurse coaching.
•    Discuss how you have experienced or witnessed FLOW in self or others.
Week 13
Non-violent Communication and Motivational Interviewing

(April 6 – 12)

(1, 2, 3)*    •    Identify specific coaching interventions for each stage of change.
Moore Chapter 5
Webquest, Miller and Rollnick.

Watch the six short videos on MI at

Watch: The fathers of MI, Miller and Rollnick on argumentation at
•    Case study and field work discussion on coaching resistance
Week 14
Assessing Balance

(April 13 – 19)

(1, 2, 3)*    •    Assess a client based on the pillars of a balanced life.
•    Co-create a backward plan to live in greater balance as desired by the client.      Kinsey-House: Chapter 9     •    Conduct self assessment of the

pillars of a balanced life
•    Create SMART goals to achieve desired balance.
Week 15
Integration and Application of the coaching model.

(April 20 – 27)

(1, 2, 3)*
•    Conduct coaching conversations that propel clients toward goal attainment.

•    Identify areas that need further coaching development.    Listen to a coaching session :
•    Identify the coaching skills used in the recorded session.
* Hess, D., Dossey, B., Southard, M., Luck, S. Schaub, B., Bark, L. (2013).  The art and science of nurse coaching: The providers guide to coaching scope and

competencies.  Washiongton, DC: ANA: Author

Resources for Academic Support
•    Libraries
Himmelfarb and Gelman libraries provide a range of resources to support your research projects. The links below have been specifically developed to aid distance

learners in accessing the resources from off campus.
o    Himmelfarb Library Resources for Distance Students
o    Gelman Library Services for Off-Campus Students
•    Writing Center
The GW Writing Center provides individual support to students who need one-on-one help with their writing projects. If you need assistance, schedule an appointment

through their online system, and send your paper (at least 24 hours in advance of your appointment) to [email protected]. Include the name of your tutor, time of your

session, and number you will be calling from at the time of your appointment. Please see the information on Writing Resources under the Course Information tab.

•    School of Nursing’s Writing for Success website The GW SON offers this site to support students in taking their writing skills to new levels of excellence.

There are three sections: Successful Writing Strategies; Academic Writing & Critical Thinking; and ESL Resources for Writing. Within the sections are links to other

excellent sites, downloadable PDFs, faculty recommended books, and hand-picked exercises that bring new strategies, clarify concepts, and strengthen skills for each

student. Also included are important links to GW Resources. The URL for the Writing for Success is

•    English for Academic Purposes
Students with non-English backgrounds who have the ability to travel to GW’s Foggy Bottom campus can take advantage of GW’s EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Writing

Support Program. The program offers a free, one-on-one tutoring to support any stage of the writing process. Tutors are trained to provide focused support for non-

native speakers. Visit the appointment website to make an appointment.

•    Graduate School Boot Camp
This short course includes five online lessons to assist you in preparing for graduate study, including education focused on study skills, library skills, technology

basics, academic writing, and research.

Resources for Student Support
•    School of Nursing Student Services.
The School of Nursing’s Office of Student Services is available to support all of the administrative aspects of your education. To contact the office or find

information, forms and resources, please visit the Student Services section of the SON website.

•    Office of Disability Support Services
Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss specific needs. Please contact the

Office of Disability Support Services at 202-994-8250 in the Marvin Center, Suite 242, to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations. For

additional information please refer to the
•    GW Career Consulting
Assists students and recent alumni in the areas of Medicine, Nursing, Public Health and Health Services. Resume reviews, cover letter critiques, orientation to

industry-wide overviews, and internship considerations are available through consultation.
o    Student Online Appointment Scheduling: You can schedule appointments on-line with your career consultant, Kelly Lawton, by clicking on the “Request an

Appointment” button on your GWork profile home page.
o    If you have any technical difficulties making an appointment, please email GWork Help at [email protected]. If you have any other questions or concerns, please

contact us at [email protected]. We hope that you find this service helpful as we continue to support your connections to career opportunities!
•    Counseling Center
The Counseling Center offers services and programs to assist students with personal, social, career, and study problems that can interfere with educational and career

goals. Services offered by the Center that are available to DE (online) students include:
o    An online Academic Success Center with a variety of tools and recommendations to help students organize time, develop effective study techniques, improve

memory, and increase test-taking abilities. For more information, visit
o    Academic Success Workshops are offered online as podcasts and may be downloaded.
o    The self-help library, offering access to books, pamphlets, and audio-visual tapes to explore or research personal needs, interests, and psychological and

health issues.
o    An informational website about Counseling Center services, academic and psychological concerns, community resources, and links to free mental health


Institutional Policies
Students in the course are expected to comply with all GW policies. Be sure to review and familiarize yourself with the following
1.    GW Code of Academic Integrity (

2.    Code of Conduct for Users of Computing Systems and Services (

3.    Student Rights and Responsibilities ( )

GW Career Consulting
•    Assists students and recent alumni in the areas of Medicine, Nursing, Public Health and Health Services. Resume reviews, cover letter critiques, orientation to

industry-wide overviews, and internship considerations are available through consultation.
•    Student Online Appointment Scheduling: You can schedule appointments on-line with your career consultant, Kelly Lawton, by clicking on the “Request an

Appointment” button on your GWork profile home page.
•    If you have any technical difficulties making an appointment, please email GWork Help at [email protected]. If you have any other questions or concerns, please

contact us at [email protected]. We hope that you find this service helpful as we continue to support your connections to career opportunities!


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