Posted: April 28th, 2015



Order Description

For this assessment, you will design and develop a project prospectus in which you propose an evidenced-based practice change, quality improvement, or innovation that demonstrates the synthesis of WGU graduate competencies. This project is not primary research, but should focus on scholarly evidence in support of practice improvements, innovation, or general practice change. It will not require an institutional review board (IRB) approval. You will be required to conduct a comprehensive literature review that defines the evidence in support of your project. The literature review represents a collection of primary research studies that have already been conducted and that provide guidance for best practices. Once your prospectus is complete, you will create a professional presentation that outlines your project prospectus, and then present it to your stakeholder group and preceptor. Upon successful completion of this assessment, you will progress to Task 2 of the Field Experience.

Before you start your proposal, you will first need to secure organizational approval for your capstone project and obtain a letter of agreement from your preceptor. In Task 1, you will be required to develop a capstone proposal that describes your problem and proposed solution. You will not be permitted to begin the implementation of your project until the project has been approved by WGU.


A. Submit a signed approval letter from the organization where your project will be conducted using the attached “Organizational Approval Letter Template.”

B. Submit a signed copy of the attached “Preceptor Agreement.”

C. Summarize your proposal by doing the following:
1. Identify the problem.
2. Describe why the problem you have identified requires a practice change, quality improvement, or innovation.
3. Explain the causes of the problem.
4. Identify the stakeholders.
a. Discuss each stakeholder’s interest, power, and influence in relation to the project.

D. Explain the purpose of your project.

E. Explain your proposed solution for your project.

F. Provide an evidence summary to support your proposed change.
1. Provide a reference list for your evidence summary in APA format that includes a minimum of five scholarly, peer-reviewed sources that were published within the last five years.

G. Explain your proposed implementation plan, which includes the following:
1. Plan of action
2. Timeline
3. Needed resources and personnel
4. Proposed change theory
5. Barriers to implementation

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