Posted: August 26th, 2013

Objective and Traditional assessment

• You have 3 GIO’s and 9 SLO’s labeled and in appropriate categories. For each GIO, 3 correcting SLO (3X3)
• Objectives are brief, in learner’s terms, observable, and measure one outcome.
• Objectives are appropriate for the grade level (12th Grade), state standard and unit of your choice.
Construct typewritten traditional assessment items, best suited for any specific learning outcomes created for
Assignment #1. You may select question types from the following options. Your questions should be appropriate for the subject and the outcomes. Your assignment should include:
A. Your items from the following question types.
3 True-False
2 Completion Variety questions
3 Matching items (with four responses)
3 Multiple Choice questions
3 Short-Answer questions
1 Essay question
B. Include the objective the item relates to,
C. the correct answer for each item, and
D. written directions for each different item type.

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