Posted: August 20th, 2015

Observe children’s play and investigation

This assessment item requires you to observe a child aged up to five years engaged in solitary or group play, with or without adult participation. These observations will be used to write two learning stories – one science-focused and one maths-focused. These two learning stories form the assessable component of this task.

Here are the steps you need to undertake in order to complete this task:

1. Select a child (aged up to five years) to focus on for this task, and carry out a series of observations of the child engaged in solitary or group play, with and/or without adult participation. These observations will need to be recorded as running or anecdotal records or by other means (e.g. photographs, video) approved within the setting and then written up/transcribed. Three or more observations may be required, each between 10-15 minutes. Before you observe children, you must gain permission from the parent and carer. An information sheet and consent form are provided on the Interact site. NOTE: The observations are not an assessable component of the task, and do not need to be submitted. They simply need to be undertaken in order to complete the assessable component (the learning stories).

2. Select two of the best observations to discuss and evaluate. Ideally, one will be science-focused while the other will be mathematics-focused – though, both areas may be evident in both observations. You also need to think about the child’s use of technology.

3. Write one learning story for each of the two selected observations. Each learning story should be no more than 1000 words. Your learning stories must be written in a way that you would share with early childhood colleagues; that is, they should be written in an academic manner, utilising appropriate literature. However, at the end of your learning story there are sections directed towards the parents/carers and the child (see points below), and these should be written in a more “friendly” manner. This will give you practice in writing learning stories for different audiences.

Each learning story must address the following points:

Describe the context and what happened, i.e. the child’s age, where the observation took place, what activity was the child involved in, and who else took part.

Identify which EYLF outcome/s the child is working towards and how this is evident. Also consider how you will extend the child to further develop this outcome and work towards additional outcomes.
Describe the scientific and mathematical processes the child has undertaken, with reference to Bishop’s mathematical activities and the 5Es science model.
Describe the mathematical and scientific concepts evident in the child’s play.
Identify any use of technology evident in the play. If no technology-use was evident, describe how technology might be used to enhance the experience.

Reflect on how the physical and social environment has supported the child in their learning, using at least two references to support your ideas. This should include reflection on the role of any adults or peers involved in the play.
Write a paragraph or two to the parents/carers detailing the mathematics and science processes and concepts their child appears to be exploring, and what they could do at home to build on and support the child’s science and mathematics learning.
Write a paragraph to the child to provide feedback to them on their development as a mathematics and science learner.

REMEMBER: You only need to submit your two learning stories and your reference list. You do not need to submit your observations.

Marking Criteria:

Learning stories reflect an understanding of both mathematical and scientific concepts and processes.

Analysis is supported with reference to Bishop’s activities and the 5Es, as well as the subject readings.

The student demonstrates an ability to identify the potential for mathematics and science learning in the EYLF outcomes

Learning stories contain discussion of the physical and social context and the role of communication in the learning.

Discussion is supported by at least two readings from the subject.

Learning stories reflect awareness of the theoretical perspectives relevant to mathematical, scientific and technological development in early childhood.

Reference is made to the subject materials.

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