Posted: July 18th, 2013

Oil and Gas organisation of your choice.

Task 1
Identify 3 possible areas that will improve your organisations effectiveness.
These could be efficiency improvements, such as improvement in service, new ways of working, even new products. Create 3 small Project Briefs (1 Paragraph each) for these Projects.
Task 2
As a small dynamic project team, you have been requested to engage with your organisation and use your skills to
a) undertake a project selection process from the 3 ideas and choose a project to progress with justification
b) undertake a feasibility study for the chosen Project
c) deliver a detailed project plan showing the benefits to the organisation including the likely timescales and risk. This should include critical path analysis
All 3 of these areas will be expected to be clear within your report
Task 3
Present a professional overview of your project plan, and your approach to managing implementation including how you would respond to each of the 3 challenges below during implementation should
a) the client introduce a number of changes to the project
b) 2 of your key project team were to leave

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