Posted: May 27th, 2015

old school versu New School sports fans

Question 3
Using the SPSS Output from Case Exhibit 22.1-1 on page 551 of your textbook, comment on the appropriateness of the statistical test used (make sure that your response includes information on the types of variables used and the scales of measurement). Describe an alternative approach that may be used.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying

Question 3

Using the SPSS Output from Case Exhibit 22.1-1 on page 551 of your textbook, comment on the appropriateness of the statistical test used (make sure that your response includes information on the types of variables used and the scales of measurement). Describe an alternative approach that may be used.

Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Old School versus New School Sport Fans

Three academic researchers investigated the idea that, in American sports, there are two segments with opposing views about the goal of competition (i.e., wining versus self-actualization are proponents of sport) and he acceptable/ desirable way of achieving this goal. Persons who believe in “winning at any cost” are proponents of sports success as a product and can be labeled new school (NS) individuals. The new school is founded on notions of the player before the team, loyalty to the highest bidder, and high-tech production and consumption of professional sports. On the other hand, persons who value the process of sports and believe that “how you play the game matters’ can be labeled old school (OS) individuals. The old school emerges from old-fashioned American notion of the team before the player, sportsmanship , and loyalty above all else, and competition simply for “love of the game,”

New school/old school was measured by asking agreement with ten attitude statements. The scores on these statement were combine. Higher scores represent an orientation toward old school values. For purposes of this case study, individuals who did not answer every question were eliminated from the analysis. Based on their summated score, middle score, and high score groups. Exhibit 22.1-1 shows the SPSS computer output of a across-tabulation to relate the gender of the respondent (GENDER) with the new school/old school grouping (OLDSKOOL).

OLDSKOOL * GENDER Cross-Tabulation


Women                Men                      Total

OLDSKOOL          high       Count                                                    9                              17                           26

% within OLDSKOOL                        34.6%                    65.4%                    100.0%

% within GENDER                             10.6%                    9.2%                      9.6%

% of total                                             3.3%                      6.3%                      9.6%


Low        Count                                                    45                           70                           115

% with OLDSKOOL                           39.1%                    60.9%                    100.0%

% within GENDER                             52.9%                    37.8%                    42.6%

% OF TOTAL                                        16.7%                    25.9%                    42.6%

Middle  Count                                                    31                           98                           129

% within OLDSKOOL                        24.0%                    76.0%                    100.0%

% within GENDER                             36.5%                    53.0%                    47.8%

% of Total                                            11.5%                    36.3%                    47.8%

Total                                      Count                                                    85                           185                         270

% within OLDSKOOL                        31.5%                    68.5%                    100.0%

% within GENER                                                100.0%                  100.0%                  100.0%

% of Total                                            31.5                        68.5                        100.0%

Chi-square tests

Value                                                    df                            asymp.sig. (two-sided)

Pearson chi-square         6.557*                                                   2                              .038

Likelihood Ratio                                6.608                                                     2                              .037

N of Valid Cases                                270

*0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8.19.






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