Posted: September 13th, 2017

Online Fundraising Donations Project

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Web Applications and Services – Assignment (50%) 

Online Fundraising Donations Project

1. Introduction
This assignment is about the implementation of a web-based, multi-user, fundraising donations service using Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE) technologies. The system will be a very simple version of Just Giving ( 

Through a JSF-based web interface:

-Charities should be able to:
1. Register with the fundraising service
2. Register specific causes for donation (e.g. to raise awareness for lung cancer, or to send doctors to a place where doctors are urgently required)
3. Check their virtual online account balance and amount of money raised for specific causes

-Users should be able to:
1. Create accounts and profile pages describing a few things about themselves
2. Create fundraising activities for which other users can donate some money (e.g. bike ride, parachute jump or cake sale)
3. Donate money for other users’ activities (for a specific cause)
4. Check funds raised for their activities

-Administrators should be able to:
1. Access all charities’ accounts and causes
2. Access all users’ accounts and fundraising activities


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