Posted: September 13th, 2017

Operation Strategy of Primark

Paper, Order, or Assignment Requirements




Here are some questions to help with Individual Assignments.
1. Identify whether your chosen organization is primarily materials processing, information processing or customer processing.
2. Identify your organisations volume of output (either daily, weekly or annually), its variety (product range), variation in demand over time and its variability (the extent to which it can be customized).
3. Identify the order qualifying factors in the industry from the customer’s perspective using the ‘Neely criteria’ discussed
4. What are your chosen organization’s order winners? Identify these in terms of the ‘Neely criteria’. How successful is your organization within its chosen market? (i.e. what is its market share, profitability etc…) Find some operations data and compare these with data from a competitor to help demonstrate competitive advantage.
5. How does your chosen organization use its Operations to deliver its Order Winners?
i.e. how important are; process type, supply chain, capacity management, human resources management and organizational culture, quality management, continuous improvement, new product and new service development, lean or agile production, mass customization or globalization.
6. What does your selected organisation’s Business Model look like. Refer to the Spring & Mason model and describe its Network Architecture, Market Offering and Technology.
7. What is (or are) the major Operations Strategy or Strategies employed by the organization
8. Draw how the Operations Strategy and Business model are built up using the Framework .

• Evaluate the order qualifiers in the industry sector and the specific order winners of your chosen organisation using the ‘Neely’ criteria.
• Evaluate how these order winners are met by your selected organisation by identifying their business model using the Spring and Mason (2010) model discussed in this module and the operations strategy adopted. You will need to discuss features such as process design, quality, cost, supply chain, capacity, innovation, market offering, network architecture, technology and / or human resources.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the external and internal issues affecting strategy and operations
• Demonstrate the ability to use strategic operations management tools and techniques
• Explain the business model and operations strategy by using up to date and relevant comparative operations data to help demonstrate that your chosen company has a competitive advantage in its industry sector


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