Posted: March 24th, 2017

What is the operational cash flow? b. What is the investing cash flow? c. What is the financing cash flow? 2. Direct method cash flow: a. What is the operational cash flow?

The SCQ Corporation manufactures specialty medical tools ranging from $10,000 to $15,000 per unit. The tools are used in hospitals, clinics, and the home hospitality market. SCQ Corporation has contracted with YOUCPA to assist in creating its cash flow statement. In the past, its income statement and balance sheet have been prepared by the internal accountant.

It would like you to assist in preparing the cash flows using both the direct and indirect method. Sales and balance sheet information for the years 2009-2010 are below:


1. Indirect method cash flow/cash flow statement:
a. What is the operational cash flow?
b. What is the investing cash flow?
c. What is the financing cash flow?

2. Direct method cash flow:
a. What is the operational cash flow?
b. What is the investing cash flow?
c. What is the financing cash flow?
d. What are the differences in the cash flow concepts and procedures between the direct and indirect methods?

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