Posted: September 14th, 2017

Opinion 2/13 of the European Court of Justice on the draft agreement providing for the accession of the European Union to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (18 December 2014)

answer the following questions:
1)) What did the Court decide?
2)) What was its reasoning?
3)) Do you agree with the outcome? Give your reasons.
4)) What do you think are the implications of the Court’s ruling for the protection of fundamental rights in the EU?
In answering the above questions, please focus on paragraphs 117 to 258 of the Opinion although paragraphs 1-116 are also important in that they provide useful background information.
Note on word limit:
1,500 words
1. The title and the bibliography are not included in the word count.
2. Each footnote is counted as one word. This is of course only in the situation where the footnotes contain references (to cases, articles, books, legislation).
3. Reference to cases in the text is counted as one word.
4. The OSCOLA referencing system is recommended……………………………..

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