Posted: December 2nd, 2014

Opportunity Rover

Opportunity Rover

Project description
PLEASE NOTE .. copying/cut and paste and improperly cited paraphrasing are example of a breach of
academic honesty and will be treated as such. Minimum penalties in such cases generally started with a
grade of zero. You are expected in this to write in your own words!
Work must be between 3 and 4 pages in length, typed, double (or 1.5 ) spaced. Font size should be 12.
Margins should be of normal settings. Excessive white space will be counted against your length.
Footnotes, references diagrams etc. do NOT count toward page length.
Images should be used where possible but do NOT count towards the length. At minimum you must
include a diagram of the major components of the mission, properly labelled and properly cited. (images
should be treated as direct quotes for referencing and citing purposes). If you use images, the image
should be referenced in the text, not simply dropped in. Images may be embedded in text or simply
included at the end.
Your work should include the following points (though not necessarily in this order)
1. Major scientific instruments and what they are able to detect.
2. Diagram of probe/spacecraft
3. Brief timeline of mission
4. Major goals or findings of the mission.
5. Other details that were unique or specific to mission (i.e. the recent Curiosity lander on Mars
used a totally new system to land with)
This work will be marked on the basis of having addressed the points as given, and on the clarity and
organization of the material. Grammar and spelling are not directly marked, but poor grammar in
particular can make a work difficult to understand. The point of writing is to communicate, so
remember it is not just that you know and understand the material, but that you have clearly
communicated it to the reader. In order to know you have written well and clearly it is often a good
idea to have someone else read it through to see if they can understand what you are trying to say.
Added on 01.12.2014 22:58
Marking guide for assignment 3

Major goals/findings of probe – 12 marks this should include at least 3 goals/ finding described in some detail, this should take up 2/3 -3/4 of the content. If they list more than 3 I”d like to see at least one described in some detail i.e. 1/2 page or more of text..
Maximum mark12
minimum of 2 references at least one of which should be a journal or other magazine like scientific american, national geographic or book etc (1 mark). Second reference can be any type of source.(1 mark).. NO marks if all the give is URL”s for references. Must be a proper citation, though i don”t care about the exact format.The course text CAN”T be used to fill these requirements, though it should be cited if used
Maximum mark2
at miminum a diagram/image of some sort, which indicates the major components of the probe (1 mark) and a caption or other description in the text of the image (1 mark) -1 mark if the image isn”t properly cited/referenced
Maximum mark2
work is well organized, readable and clearly communicates the material
Maximum mark4
Timeline of Missions
Maximum mark2
Maximum mark5
Unique Features
Maximum mark3


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