Posted: January 20th, 2015

Organisation Communication Discussion Answer Posts

Organisation Communication Discussion Answer Posts

provide peer reviewed, scholarly reviewed references to relevant books, articles, websites that are discussed in each post.

The responses are to be written at a very high professional level, be succinct and writing must flow throughout. A thorough link established between response, exercise and key concept, furthermore, relevant examples identified and explained. A minimum of 4 references to be used per post. Each post must include an intro and conclusion.

POST 1 250-300 words ONLY
Think of a situation where you have followed a "leader". It may be at work, or at university. You may have followed the leader because you were required to as part of your job, or there may have been a situation where you followed someone because they were the best person for the task to be completed. What personal characteristics did the leader display? What style of leadership did they use (laissez faire, autocratic or democratic)? Why did you follow them? Would you follow them if the circumstances were different? Why? In your opinion, were they an effective leader?

POST 2 250-300 words ONLY
Choose one cultural characteristic of an organisation with which you are familiar. How does that characteristic illustrate the "worldview" of the organisation? How is that characteristic communicated? What is the "actual" characteristic as experienced by staff?
For example you might choose the organisation’s uniform. A uniform can portray a professional organisation, that everyone is part of the same team. If the uniform is shorts and a t-shirt, it might send the message that the organisation is casual. There may be a policy for all staff to wear the uniform in a certain way – red shirts on sale days, white shirts on weekends, or whatever. But if staff wear different colours on the wrong days or if the uniform is unironed, or dirty, or torn, this can tell us there is a difference between what the organisation "states" and what is actually occurring.
There are heaps of other characteristics to choose – rostering can illustrate work ethic, absenteeism and staff morale. The vision statement might provide an organisational goal that is not seen by staff. The layout of the building might provide comfort to clients but not to staff, or vice versa.

POST 3 250-300 words ONLY
Think of a "who" channel in an organisation with which you are familiar.
Provide an example of how it was used. Was it effective?

POST 4 250-300 words ONLY
Think of a situation where you have modified your communication because of the person who was to receive it (boundary spanning). Explain how you changed your message and/or channel and why.
Use that same example and break it down into the DIKA elements. How did you choose what you chose? What could you have included but didn’t? Pay particular attention to Information and Knowledge – there is a difference between the two!

POST 5 250-300 words ONLY
Depending on the culture and climate of an organisation, different communication methods will predominate.
Think of an orgnisation with which you are/were involved. What were the dominant communication channels used? How did organisational culture impact the selection and use of these channels by senders? Was the channel being used appropriately and

|+effectively? Would you recommend the organisation make any changes in relation to the dominant use of the channels?


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